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Questions tagged [jar-jar-binks]

For questions about the character Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars. Only use if the question is about Jar Jar and doesn't just mention him. Always use in conjunction with the [star-wars] tag.

5 votes
2 answers

Origin of Darth Jar Jar

I've seen numerous theories and fan posters of Darth Jar Jar i.e the sith form of Jar Jar Binks. Now was Darth Jar Jar actually real? I mean was it something that the people at LucasFilms actually ...
shanu's user avatar
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1 answer

Had Darth Sidious foreseen that Jar Jar Binks would provide assistance to Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Queen Amidala on the planet Naboo?

Using the Force, Darth Sidious could often foresee many things or events that would take place in the future. In Return of the Jedi, he had foreseen Luke Skywalker coming to see Darth Vader to see if ...
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11 votes
1 answer

What exactly did Jar Jar do to get banished?

In The Phantom Menace, we learn that Jar Jar was banished from Otoh Gunga for his 'clumsiness'. His explanation is unintelligible nonsense. JAR JAR: Tis a long tale, buta small part wawdabe mesa......
Valorum's user avatar
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1 answer

Why did they choose Jar Jar Binks as the Gungan Representative of Naboo?

Now, we all know the out of universe reason for Jar Jar's ongoing existence, but apart from "he was friends with the Senator and a few Jedi", why would Naboo have risked putting Jar Jar in front of ...
Jane S's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is Jar Jar Binks in Star Wars: The Clone Wars?

Since the Phantom Menace was released in 1999, Jar Jar Binks has been almost universally hated by audiences. Fast forward to 2008, Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 1 airs, and oddly Jar Jar Binks is ...
Accio_Answer's user avatar
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1 answer

How many times is Jar Jar killed in Lego Star Wars?

A common trope in the Lego Star Wars shorts is to kill off Jar Jar Binks. How many times does this happen though? How many times is Jar Jar Binks killed/destroyed in Lego Star Wars? To avoid making ...
ibid's user avatar
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What is J.J. Abrams opinion of fan theory of Jar Jar as the ultimate Sith Lord?

There is a popular fan theory originating on Reddit thread covering this topic. I have always thought Jar Jar held a more substantial role in the Star Wars universe. His action to give Palpatine ...
Tom B's user avatar
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1 answer

How old was Jar-Jar by Gungan standards?

With all the ragging on Jar Jar Binks for the ... less than wise way he is portrayed to behave, it dawned on me; he basically behaves in a very juvenile way, yet is judged by the fans as an adult. ...
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What happened to Jar Jar Binks when the Senate became "no more"? [duplicate]

In Episode IV: A New Hope when Commander Tagge is talking about the Rebellion gaining support in the senate Grand Moff Tarkin enters as says The Imperial Senate will no longer be of any concern to ...
Memor-X's user avatar
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Has George Lucas or another Star Wars director ever stated that Jar Jar Binks' character was in anyway influenced by C-3PO?

Both Jar Jar and C-3PO utter this phrase: How Rude? It seems likely to me that Jar Jar and C-3PO serve a similar purpose: Comic ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
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29 votes
4 answers

Did George Lucas ever comment on why he created Jar Jar Binks? [duplicate]

Everyone seems to hate Jar Jar Binks. So why did George Lucas create him? The story of Binks and his people doesn't really contribute anything to the story, and I find that the parts involving Binks ...
Florian's user avatar
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2 answers

Why did Jar Jar vote differently than Amidala would have?

Padmé Amidala was known to be against the creation of the Republic's Army, stating that raising an army would inevitably lead to war: Padmé : I warn you, if you vote to create this army, war will ...
LcSalazar's user avatar
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3 answers

Is Jar Jar alive?

I know there are questions about Jar Jar’s age and relevance in the films already, but I was under the impression that when all the Jedi were killed between 3 and 4 that he had been murdered as well. ...
Samiko's user avatar
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2 answers

Could Jar Jar Binks live long enough to appear in the next Star Wars trilogy?

What is the lifespan of a Gungan, how old was Jar Jar in the Episode I–III trilogy, and when does the VII–IX trilogy take place in reference to the I–III trilogy?
David Wilkins's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is Jar-Jar Binks responsible for the creation of the Empire? [duplicate]

I have heard some claim that Jar-Jar Binks was responsible for the creation of the Empire. If so, how, and was he the sole reason, or were there other elements?
rootmeanclaire's user avatar

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