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Questions tagged [hyperspace]

Hyperspace refers to a parallel realm, outside our own, commonly used to travel through space at great speed from one point of space to another point of space. Hyperspace may also refer to a region of space where other lifeforms exist.

7 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to change destination coordinates in the middle of a hyperspace jump?

As seen in "Bad Batch" Se2Ep13 "Pabu", the Clone Force 99 are on hyperspace jump and Gee Phenoa gives them a new set of coordinates and they go "on the fly". I've always ...
MaY's user avatar
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11 votes
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Short story about humans inventing hyperspace travel

I'm trying to find a story I remember about humans inventing hyperspace travel. I think it was written by Isaac Asimov, but it's not Escape!. It follows a government(?) project over years as it tries ...
isikkema's user avatar
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15 votes
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Sci-fi novel about guard that watches over hyperspace that is a "tube" in another dimension

I'm sorry, but I have no idea when I read it. It could be 10-20 years ago. I also have no idea where I read it, thought it was probably an e-book collection called "Polaris Sci-fi CD library"...
byteflush's user avatar
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14 votes
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Mando's Mandatory Meandering?

In the Star Wars universe, ships freely enter and depart hyperspace in the vicinity of planets. But in The Mandalorian season 3 opener, Chapter 17: The Apostate Mando decides to Why did Mando do ...
Peter M's user avatar
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3 votes
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Is this is the only instance in Star Wars of two craft docking while in hyperspace?

In the season 1 finale of Rebels, Fire Across the Galaxy, the Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser stolen by the Spectres is seen docked with the Ghost in hyperspace, while in formation with the Rebel ...
GeoffAtkins's user avatar
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19 votes
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What is the earliest usage of the “Lightspeed” animation and why is it used so heavily?

I’ve seen many, many SciFi TV shows and movies over the years, and one of the most enduring motifs is the usage of “lightspeed” or “warp speed” in spacecraft. The standard animation technique used ...
Craig Watson's user avatar
25 votes
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What is hyperspace in Star Wars?

Is it teleportation, making a wormhole, or something else? Does it always exist and people just go into it, or does someone create it for themselves when they jump? Does it manipulate time?
Casey's user avatar
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4 votes
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What explanation did Kitz and company have for the detached chair after Ellie came back to the ground?

Contact 1997 movie spoiler warning During her spaceflight, Ellie's chair detached while flying through the third Einstein-Rosen Bridge. Michael Kitz and company assumed Ellie to be a liar and that she ...
Strider's user avatar
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Is the hyper drive a plot hole? [duplicate]

In The Last Jedi, Vice-Admiral Holdo kamakazis' her cruiser by jumping it to hyperspace through the enemy fleet, destroying it in the process. This seems like an enormous plot hole. Why don't the ...
Logister's user avatar
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30 votes
3 answers

Would the Millennium Falcon have been carried along on the hyperspace jump if it stayed attached to the Star Destroyer?

In The Empire Strikes Back, the Millennium Falcon hides on the back of a Star Destroyer. It then escapes by hiding in a garbage dump before the Star Destroyer jumps to hyperspace. If the Millennium ...
DrSheldon's user avatar
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17 votes
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Why would travelling hyperspace kill Frog Lady's eggs?

In S02E02 the Mandalorian gives a ride to a Frog Lady. However they have to travel at sub-light speed, because apparently, travelling at hyperspeed would kill her eggs. It is not explained further and ...
Leprechaun's user avatar
5 votes
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In-universe, is there consistent science behind hyperspace travel?

It feels like the properties of hyperspace and hyperspace travel change depending on what's required to generate the most tension in the plot, but I'm wondering if there's any in-universe explanation ...
Chris's user avatar
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4 votes
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Where do the Hyperspace Routes in Star Wars Come From

Where did the Hyperspace Routes in the Star Wars universe originate from in the first place, Also is there only one route on and off a planet? Or can a world have multiple Hyperspace routes?
edward harris's user avatar
15 votes
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Seeking magazine short story c. 1950-1965 about man entering region of artificially distorted space on spaceship and deforming whilst in it

I'd like to find a short story from one of the SF magazines — possibly Astounding/Analog— probably before 1965. I saw it a few years ago while flicking through second-hand magazines in a ...
Phil van Kleur's user avatar
5 votes
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Why does 4D navigation work like this?

At one point in Cixin Liu's novel "Death's End", humans enter a bubble of four-dimensional space. The author explains that, as their equipment is only designed for three dimensions, they are ...
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