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Questions tagged [discworld]

For questions about Discworld, a series of comic fantasy books by Terry Pratchett.

10 votes
1 answer

Do we have any evidence that there were plans for an Ankh-Morpork Underground?

I'm going to have to add details and quotes later for this as I don't currently have access to the books, but I remember noticing some things I thought were foreshadowing for an underground system in ...
tardigrade's user avatar
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Why does Detritus not become disabled in daylight?

It is established in novels such as The Light Fantastic and Moving Pictures that Discworld trolls turn to stone in daylight, or at least become disabled, and become active at night. This does not seem ...
Neithan's user avatar
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What should this conversation between Tiffany Aching and Preston mean?

At the end of the book I Shall Wear Midnight, this strange conversation takes place: I don't understand what Tiffany means by that. Of course, I got the message that but still why ‘Listen’? That ...
TGar's user avatar
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Why is “Equal Rites” misspelled on two pages?

In the HarperTorch paperback of Equal Rites the title of the book is misspelled on the heading of two different pages as "Equal Rights” (I don’t have the book with me at the moment). This seems likely ...
Neithan's user avatar
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Who said "One person, one vote. I just happened to be the person voting"?

This quote is probably misquoted, but I remember this as a Blake's 7 quote from Servalan. However, I have also read elsewhere a similar quote from Terry Pratchett's Discworld. Is there a quote like ...
DafyddNZ's user avatar
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19 votes
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What happened to Fred Colon's sugar lumps?

In "The Fifth Elephant" Acting Captain Colon (normally known as Sergeant Fred Colon) is obsessed about missing sugar lumps. During the course of the story more and more sugar lumps go missing. It ...
MSeifert's user avatar
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Which Discworld book has the Chief of Police engaging in a war?

The Chief of Police becomes the head of the army. He crosses a sea to do "battle", but when he gets there they all call the war off. Which book is that?
BRUCE's user avatar
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What does the city name Ankh-Morpork in Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels mean?

I would assume that someone has asked this question before but I haven't found any discussion about the name of Ankh-Morpork. Ever since I read my first Discworld book, I kept wondering about this ...
not2savvy's user avatar
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9 votes
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Is Vorbis a God?

This question relates to Vorbis in the 13th Discworld novel, Small Gods. Reading beyond this point will spoil the ending.
Morgoth's user avatar
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16 votes
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Who is depicted on this image showing major Discworld characters?

Source: I only recognize Twoflower the Tourist, Death, the Luggage and the Librarian. However, I'm only a couple of books in the series, so I'...
Nzall's user avatar
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7 votes
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Which Discworld books feature the gods looking down on the world?

Several Discworld novels feature interlude/prologue/epilogue chapters which show the gods talking amongst themselves atop Cori Celesti. I think in some cases they are wagering on a game. Where in ...
Frames Catherine White's user avatar
-1 votes
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What are the TV/movie Discworld adaptations?

So... I've seen the Hogfather and Colour of Magic/Light Fantastic via YouTube... think they were pretty good, but the video/audio quality was poor. And I understand Going Postal is out there as well (...
ivanivan's user avatar
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What laws are Unseen University Wizards bound by?

In Ankh-Morpork, the Wizards' guild claims to operate outside the mundane laws of man, but how true is this? For example, in Reaper Man, we learn that while the university doesn't pay taxes, they do ...
Yann's user avatar
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Pratchett Quote about Research and Development

I'm looking for a quote by Terry Pratchett. I'm pretty sure that the patrician was speaking about Leonard of Quirm and giving funds to Research and Development. It was something along the lines of: ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

When and how does Samuel Vimes learn about his ancestor "Old Stoneface" Vimes

In Guards! Guards! Sam Vimes is surprised that Ankh-Morpork used to have a king: Vimes shook his head. The world was definitely going mad around him. "You've lost me there," he said. "Air," ...
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