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Questions tagged [discworld]

For questions about Discworld, a series of comic fantasy books by Terry Pratchett.

3 votes
1 answer

Quote in which Rincewind talks about exams

In one of the Discworld books, there is a conversation in which Rincewind tries to justify his qualification as a wizard. He starts to say something like "I've passed dozens of exams" but ...
Ian Thompson's user avatar
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12 votes
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Looking for a Discworld quote involving Rincewind running away and not looking behind

Rincewind is running away (obviously) and the quote goes along these lines: A less experienced coward might take a moment to look over their shoulder, but Rincewind knew better. Nothing he saw could ...
David Finney's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Quote from Discworld about Ankh-Morpork tolerance and greed

In one of Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels, he writes something along these lines: The residents of Ankh-Morpork are willing to welcome everyone. No matter what sex, what species, and what race: ...
Triceratops's user avatar
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18 votes
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Faith cannot move mountains but can create someone who can (Discworld)

In one of the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett he wrote something along the lines of: Faith cannot move mountains but can create someone who can I think it is from "Reaper Man" but I ...
Triceratops's user avatar
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37 votes
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Discworld's Death letting Granny Weatherwax win in a card game over a child's life

I once read that in one of the Discworld novels, Granny Weatherwax is playing cards against Death over the life of a small child, and Death deliberately let her win. If I recall correctly she says: &...
Triceratops's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Did Ankh-Morpork have an army and city walls?

Did the city of Ankh-Morpork have city walls? And a military force? How would it defend itself from invasions?
Triceratops's user avatar
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0 votes
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Is the Unseen University's librarian trying to say 'book'?

Early on in the series the librarian at the Unseen University is transformed into an orangutan (not a monkey). From then on, they only say "Ook" with various inflections and changes in ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
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28 votes
2 answers

Does the sun orbit Great A'Tuin or the Discworld?

The Discworld is lit by a tiny 'sunlet' which orbits the disc at a rate of once per day, but is this miniature sun orbiting the disc itself, or around Great A'Tuin?
Valorum's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

Where under the Discworld are the four elephants located?

The Discworld rests on the backs of the four World Elephants; Tubul, Jerakeen, Berilia and Great T'Phon. The Discworld series is a continuous history of a world not totally unlike our own, except ...
Valorum's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Terry Pratchett book quote where a character talks about being good to people because they hate people

I've been looking for this quote for ages. This is a Terry Pratchett book a character (maybe Granny Weatherwax?) talks about not liking / outright disliking people in general and this dislike is ...
tehanu's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

In the Discworld books, is "Sto Helit" a pun?

As a long-time fan of the Discworld books, I think I'm up on almost all the puns and references in them. However, one has never quite fit for me. Ever since I first read Mort lo these many years ago, ...
Darth Pseudonym's user avatar
50 votes
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What does Pratchett's "poets notwithstanding" joke mean?

In Terry Pratchett's Equal Rites, he writes the following passage: Esk, in fact, moved through the fair more like an arsonist moves through a hayfield or a neutron bounces through a reactor, poets ...
Korosia's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Are there any gay characters in Terry Pratchett's Discworld?

Are there any openly or identifiably gay characters in Terry Pratchett's Discworld?
Wallnut's user avatar
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Do we know when Small Gods is set, compared to the majority of Discworld novels?

Small Gods portrays a time of great change in the Omnian religion, when the This later Omnianism is clearly well-established by the time of Carpe Jugulum as evidenced by the Quite Reverend Mightily ...
Chris H's user avatar
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Why do Igors (but not Igorinas) lisp when they speak?

In the Discworld universe, when an Igor (which is basically a parody of Adam from Frankenstein) speaks, they generally speak with a lisp (pronouncing "s" as "th"). In Monstrous ...
Mithical's user avatar
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