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Questions tagged [changeling]

For questions about the Changelings, a species of shapeshifter from the Gamma Quadrant, seen in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. The Founders, the creators of the Dominion, are Changelings. Always use in conjunction with the [star-trek] tag and any other related work tags, for example, [star-trek-ds9]. Only use when asking about Changelings specifically not when they are simply mentioned.

4 votes
1 answer

What does the Changeling's signature say on the 'Treaty of Bajor'?

This answer provides a screen capture of the Treaty of Bajor, ending the Dominion War, as well as showing a Founder signing it. Of course, we can assume that the representatives of the Federation, ...
ThePopMachine's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Are Changelings’ molecules polar or nonpolar? [closed]

Would a Changeling be able to mix with other substances? In DS9, it said Odo couldn’t really eat, he described it as “messy”. Did that mean that the food or liquid fell out of him or that it mixed ...
Maya theflyingsquirrel's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Why doesn't the Bashir Changeling slay Deep Space Nine's senior staff?

During the Dominion War, after Dr. Bashir is replaced aboard the station with a Changeling, why doesn't the Changeling at least attempt to kill the senior staff? Killing the staff would likely be ...
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Could Geordi detect Changeling infiltrators?

With his handy VISOR, would Geordi be able to detect Changelings masquerading as humans, Klingons, or even fog? Or could the Changelings still fool him?
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, how is Odo able shapshift his comm badge? [duplicate]

In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, one of the characters, Odo is able to shape-shift into other forms, including his humanoid form. When he is in his humanoid form, he is able to form clothing. That makes ...
Thylorion's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Has Q ever interacted with the Changelings?

Given Q's personality, the Changelings would seem a prime example of a species he would want to interact with, test and mess with. They have a god complex, like to manipulate and control other species ...
Richard C's user avatar
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How big can a Changeling get [duplicate]

In DS9 all Changelings are shown to be human size, however given their body is more like a clay substance than an actual body, have changelings ever been shown to take very large or very small forms?
Richard C's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Does a Changeling have its own distinct body?

In DS9 the Changelings are shown in two different ways. Initially Odo is shown to have grown from a child to an adult indicating that each Changeling has its own distinct physical body. In later ...
Richard C's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Why does the Changeling Dr Bashir allow the baby Changeling to die?

It has been established that Dr. Bashir in the episode The Begotten of Deep Space Nine, the episode with the dying baby Changeling, Question: If so, why did the Changeling let the baby die? Is there ...
Chill2Macht's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

Who is the most recurring Star Trek character who was always themselves? [closed]

Impersonation, simulation, alternate universes and general xeno- and techno-shenanigans are a mainstay of the Star Trek franchises. It occurred to me that I can't really think of a main character who ...
ThePopMachine's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why is Odo afraid of losing his ship?

I was reading this post about whether a changeling could become a spacecraft while watching Vortex, an episode of DS9. In the episode, while Odo is transporting a prisoner and comes under fire, he ...
Captain J.L Picard's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why did this Changeling become suicidal?

In DS9: Apocalypse Rising, the changeling who's tries to kill Odo for identifying him. Between hundreds of angry Klingon fighters hunting for changelings he should have known that he will be killed ...
Gray Sheep's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Why would the changeling take Garak to Sisko?

Before the opening credits of In Purgatory's Shadow: [In Runabout] (Bashir is waiting for him with a phaser.) BASHIR: Going somewhere? GARAK: I really must remember to stop underestimating you, ...
Memnoch's user avatar
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Do Changelings within the Great Link have names?

Odo, Laas, and perhaps the other Changelings that were sent out to explore the galaxy have names, but do the Changelings within the Great Link also have names? I realize that the Female Changeling ...
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Can Changelings talk when they aren't in humanoid form?

Odo has certainly shown the ability to sense activity around him when he is morphed into other shapes. He shows the ability to hear a conversation between Worf, Quark, and a smuggler while taking the ...
Ham Sandwich's user avatar
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