Linked Questions

6 votes
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Is a warp drive faster than a hyperdrive? [duplicate]

What's faster: a warp drive from Star Trek, or a hyperdrive from Star Wars?
Donmax's user avatar
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Was the Millennium Falcon too slow?

I've always been puzzled by the speeds of space craft in Star Wars. The Millennium Falcon was said to travel at "point 5 beyond the speed of light" - which I guess is 1.5c: HAN: She'll make point ...
Reinstate Monica - Goodbye SE's user avatar
94 votes
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Was Voyager really significantly slower than the Enterprise-D?

In the Next Generation episode “Where No One Has Gone Before” the Enterprise is catapulted to another galaxy, roughly 2.7 million light years away. From that location Data says it will take just over ...
Xantec's user avatar
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59 votes
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What's the name of the galaxy far, far away?

Has the in-universe name of the Star Wars galaxy ever mentioned in the canon?
user931's user avatar
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31 votes
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ST: First Contact: how did the crew get back to the future having destroyed the main deflector?

In the film First Contact, when in the past, the Borg from the future try to contact the Borg in the past's time period by building a transmitter out of the particle emitter on the main deflector dish....
Nick Shaw's user avatar
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Star Wars Time Measurement and Dating Systems

I seem to remember several dating systems mainly in the Star Wars Expanded Universe. Furthermore, I was wondering if periods of time such as seconds, days, or months represent the same amount of time ...
Peter Cassetta's user avatar
11 votes
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Was Trelane really seeing Earth 900 years ago, or perhaps 600 years ago, or could he see any time period he chose?

Star Trek TOS "The Squire of Gothos": TRELANE: I can't tell you how delighted I am to have visitors from the very planet that I've made my hobby. Yes, but according to my observations, I didn't ...
JMFB's user avatar
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How long did it take the Millennium Falcon to get from Tatooine to the Death Star?

Despite the perception that Obi-Wan was Luke's mentor who taught him in the ways of the Force, it seems like they only had a minute of actual Jedi training. This was on the Millennium Falcon as it ...
Mike G's user avatar
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How long did it take the Millennium Falcon to do the Kessel run

So in these questions, Did the Millennium Falcon really make the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs? Kessel Run in 12 parsecs: screenplay error, or part of the movie? And what is on Wookieepedia ...
KyloRen's user avatar
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4 votes
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How do the occupants survive a ship coming out of hyperdrive?

According to this post the Millennium Falcon travels approximately 20,000 light years per hour. Even assuming that regular ships travel at a greatly reduced speed compared to the Millennium Falcon: ...
fez's user avatar
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How did Voyager reach the wreckage so fast going warp 2?

In the Voyager episode Scorpion Part 1 (season 3 finale) our heroes are headed to a destination that is 5.2 light years away. Captain Janeway orders Paris to set a course and move at warp 2. According ...
corsiKa's user avatar
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How fast can ships go in Hyperspace?

In something like Star Trek, you can say 'this ship can achieve Warp 6', which sets a specific limit on how fast that ship can go (depending on which warp scale you're using, which is a different ...
DaaaahWhoosh's user avatar
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