Basic premise was a space-crew who were in some sort of rescue role. The books in the series featured a space-ship which was illustrated as very similar to the "Discovery" from "2001", but was based from a 10,000 person wheel-shaped space colony. The crew wore track-suit style outfits (70s futuristic trope) and they had an alien that was a pink blob which communicated via a small computer attached to it, which printed out messages.

One adventure has the crew encountering a ship full of the pink blob aliens.

In another they have to rescue a colony on Venus by dropping the alien into a jammed landing dome.

In another the ship goes out of control and they encounter a long-lost space-colony where the inhabitants have grown into giants.

My local library only ever seemed to have a few books from the whole series. Some of the titles on the cover end-notes sounded quite good.

  • 1
    Surely not the Sector General series by James White? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sector_General Commented Feb 15, 2015 at 14:54
  • No such luck. They were short, large print books and illustrated.
    – Adam Crowl
    Commented Mar 19, 2015 at 10:46
  • I recall some books that fit closely with your description from the early 80s. There was definitely a very "Discovery One" like space ship. It may have even been on the cover of the first book. I recall that the books were short, squarish and contained illustrations in monochromatic colours. One story was about them traveling from Earth to Alpha Centauri and/or Planet X (or something similar) . One of the later books had the crew exploring a dangerous cave system on Planet X. Like you, I never had the whole series. Commented Feb 8, 2018 at 3:03

1 Answer 1


This is a series called Galaxy 1 by, among others, Harriette Sheffer Abels, published by Crestwood House. It follows the adventures of Emergency Spaceship EM88. The pink blob with the computer is named Amorf. Here's a link to the Google books entries.

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