From How many independent demonstrations of optical communications between ground and space have been successful?

As everybody knows, the pioneering work of The Professor and his serendipitous collaborator Gilligan demonstrated the reality of ground to space optical communications back in 1964 Splashdown, S3E22. In that case information was encoded in the incandescent radtaion of soot particles via spatial modulation1 rather than the more modern temporal modulation.

The launch of this crewed and remarkable mission can be seen here.

Question: In either the real world or in-island (in-universe), was this the only time that any depiction of the shape of the eponymously nicknamed Gilligan's Island was shown? If there were others, do the shapes agree?

Gilican's Island seen from space, from Splashdown, S3E22

Gilligan's Island as seen from space (low Earth orbit), from Splashdown, S3E22. source

1 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0588095/mediaviewer/rm2807151617


1 Answer 1


We see multiple version of the island map in various episodes. They're all largely similar to the high altitude map shown in Splashdown.

Map of the island from Forward March.
Map of the island from Forward March.

Map of the island from Man With a Net.
Map of the island from Man With a Net.

Map of the island from Hi-Fi Gilligan
Map of the island from Hi-Fi Gilligan

  • 3
    "They're all largely similar to the high altitude map shown in Splashdown." - err ... the first two ones in this answers are unquestionably similar to each other. However, I fail to see any noteworthy similarity between those two, the third one, or the one from the question, beyond being islands with a non-convex outline. Commented Nov 17, 2020 at 20:28
  • 2
    @O.R.Mapper - It helps if you turn the pictures upside and squint a little
    – Valorum
    Commented Nov 17, 2020 at 20:44
  • 4
    "topologically equivalent" Commented Nov 17, 2020 at 23:23
  • @OrganicMarble as you know by now I simply can not stop asking questions! (nor the overuse of exclamation points) When can we say that two representations of an island's shore line are topologically equivalent? Is Luzon an instructive case?
    – uhoh
    Commented Nov 18, 2020 at 2:20

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