This was a VHS my sister and her friends had rented at a local movie rental store, whoever was in charge had great taste in anime and always carried a decent selection, the anime in question definitely would have been released prior to the year 2000. No telling if it was a series or a standalone movie. The only thing I remember about it is that a member of the crew gets killed by being absorbed by a gelatinous blob onboard a spacecraft and the crew ends up jettisoning their corpse into outer space. I tried tipofmytongue.reddit.com and had no success.

  • 1
    Are you sure it was gelatinous blob? How many crew members were there? What sort of anime animation? Because that sounds like Lily C.A.T (1987) . See if this rings any bells: youtube.com/watch?v=e0QgGsnN-8g
    – jo1storm
    Commented May 4, 2020 at 7:36