This is a question on Gone World.

At one point, Shannon gets back in time without the formal channel (i.e. getting on her ship and heading back over a period of 3 months). She actually uses the time-space anomaly created by the Libra to get back to her time. Once she gets back, she is found by her team and is treated for her wounds.

My question: Since she didn't use the designated way to get back in time, her time, shouldn't there have been two Shannons when she got back? She did slip through the space-time to get back to the 90s meaning, she slipped into a timeline that is not hers. There should have been another Shannon living in that timeline. No?

1 Answer 1


My thought was that the Shannon who occupied the timeline that our main character escaped to (the one you identified as being Libra’s timeline) died via crucifixion. As our Shannon was being rescued she yelled to her NEW teammates “you have the wrong body - we need to save her in the orange jumpsuit”.

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Andrew Wolf is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering. Check out our Code of Conduct.
  • 2
    Hi, welcome to SF&F. Do you have any evidence to support this theory? Crucifixion is a pretty specific way to die; what is your source for this?
    – DavidW
    Commented Jul 16 at 1:46

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