Through the movie Voyage Home Kirk and crew are in a Klingon vessel. At the end Scotty has two grown humpback whales beamed into the ship. How did both fit in the vessel if it's not that big of a ship?

  • 1
    It's all part of the paradox. I'm not going to try to turn that link into an answer, but someone else is welcome to do so.
    – Brythan
    Commented Jan 3, 2018 at 4:21

1 Answer 1


Humpback whale adults range in length from 12-16m (Wikipedia). That's a pretty large mammal, but not gigantic by starship standards. The bridge of the ship, where we usually saw the crew, was small, but the whales were in a cargo hold. The external view of the Klingon ship made it appear big enough to have a sufficently large hold, though without much spare room for the whales to do much swimming. Presumably Spock explained to the whales that they would be confined to tight quarters for a while.

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