This novel was about a girl called Liddie (?) or something similar. She lives in a world with many lands, I think about seven, and portals called 'kuah' or something to go to one place or another. I think someone tried to use her and her seven-twelve brothers (I don't remember) for experiments to stabilise the portals, so she tries to save them.

She was thrown into a planet which hardly anyone knows about. There are like three different kinds of species living there, I think. One is like a monkey. The guy that she first meets resembles a human the most. The guy has a monkey species companion that hates a a lot. The rest of it's kind do as well. If I remember correctly, it's because that planet had a tough history with the rest of the seven planets. Liddie first lands in a grass patch somewhere in the land but passes out. She thinks of possible planets she could have landed in but could think of none as the planet had two moons, one silverish and redish which the planets she knows of doesn't have that trait. She learns to write their language as she can't speak because of an implant in her throat that will kill her brothers if she speaks. The person who placed the implant is a person that used to be quite close to Liddie. In that world, there is a game somewhat related to soccer and Liddie participates in it in a part of the story. Liddie's family are made of geniuses and she is the only child of her parents that people think will never live up to the family's title. However it's because she is under stress and can actually do amazing things with if she is in a state of free mind. For some reason I forgot the guy doesn't trust her anymore at one point because of a misunderstanding and she escapes with the third kind which is very muscular and buff in appearance.

Liddie is very good with tinkering with objects. In the end I think everyone survived except one of her brothers. She gets together with the guy she first meets in the new planet.

If I'm not wrong, I read this around mid year last year. I think it was a book that was a remake of the seven swans (children book) or something. I do not have any memory of the cover. But seeing it's theme I'm sure there is dark blue on the cover. There are random flashbacks placed between each chapter.

  • 3
    Hello Anya, welcome to the SF and Fantasy Stack, and thank you for your question. As @Valorum has mentioned already, the best way to go about this is asking one identification request per question. That way, it's clearer if the question has been answered. Also, try to add as much information as you can remember about each book, as unimportant as it may seem. Lastly, try to format your question and refrain from txt spk such as "pls", to make it more readable.
    – SQB
    Commented Feb 10, 2017 at 11:49
  • A more descriptive title will attract more interest. Also, how sure are you about the names you've given - kuah and Liddie?
    – Valorum
    Commented Feb 11, 2017 at 11:02
  • Also, have a look at the tips on this tag info page, and the FAQ it links to. For instance, when did you read it, when do you think it was written, do you remember anything about the cover, etc.
    – IMSoP
    Commented Feb 11, 2017 at 13:48

1 Answer 1


I suggest "Spinning Starlight" by R. C. Lewis.

This is the description from Goodreads:

Sixteen-year-old heiress and paparazzi darling Liddi Jantzen hates the spotlight. But as the only daughter in the most powerful tech family in the galaxy, it’s hard to escape it. So when a group of men shows up at her house uninvited, she assumes it’s just the usual media-grubs. That is, until shots are fired.

Liddi escapes, only to be pulled into an interplanetary conspiracy more complex than she ever could have imagined. Her older brothers have been caught as well, trapped in the conduits between the planets. And when their captor implants a device in Liddi’s vocal cords to monitor her speech, their lives are in her hands: One word and her brothers are dead.

Desperate to save her family from a desolate future, Liddi travels to another world, where she meets the one person who might have the skills to help her bring her eight brothers home—a handsome dignitary named Tiav. But without her voice, Liddi must use every bit of her strength and wit to convince Tiav that her mission is true. With the tenuous balance of the planets deeply intertwined with her brothers’ survival, just how much is Liddi willing to sacrifice to bring them back?

The book has a dark blue cover with a silver outline of a swan. It was published in October of 2015, so fits the time frame.

I guess so, except for the whole Khua part. Their word for the portals, I suppose.
Their word. Now that I know what to call them, maybe I can get some answers to avoid recklessness and inform my actions, like Jahmari suggested.

  • The main character calls them portals but the locals call them Khua. I've taken the liberty of adding in a quote from the book
    – Valorum
    Commented Jun 8 at 0:02

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