In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (2011), Dumbledore and Harry met at Limbo:

Dumbledore: We're in King's Cross, you say? I think, if you so desired, you'd be able to board a train.

Harry: And where would it take me?

Dumbledore: (CHUCKLES) On.

What does just "on" mean here?

  • 1
    And, I'd like to point out, Dumbledore and this "post death experience" are meant to be enigmatic, as many afterlife-expostulating scenes are. Commented Jan 12, 2022 at 4:27

1 Answer 1


Adding a bit of context, Harry died by Voldemort's hand, and awoke in a state of Limbo, in a place that resembled King's Cross Station:

In 1998, during the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry Potter allowed himself to be struck with a Killing Curse by Lord Voldemort, and he entered a Limbo state in which his spirit met with the spirit of Albus Dumbledore, at a location that Harry identified as King's Cross Station. The station was, in the unconscious mind of Harry, clean and empty except for something that looked like a small, naked child, curled on the ground, with skin that was raw and rough, as though it had been flayed, which lay under a seat. Dumbledore then revealed to Harry that the form represented a small part of Voldemort, destroyed when he "killed" Harry and thus annihilated the part of his soul which he had unwittingly implanted in him.

Harry Potter Fandom page on King's Cross Station

Here, "on" is short for "onward", that the train will take Harry into the afterlife, into the "next great adventure" of death.

Definition of onward (Entry 1 of 2)
: toward or at a point lying ahead in space or time : FORWARD


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