I'm trying to find the title of a teenager/young adult novel I read 10-15 years ago, I've tried every keyword I could think of and searched on google but I still couldn't find it. I only could remember small bits and will try my best to describe it.

I have the picture of the novel on my phone, well at least half of the novel and the quality is potato camera kind of quality. So I can't see the name of the author clearly but I think the author name starts with WC or VC (not V.C. Andrews) and the title is LEDG... something (still can't remember and can't find it on google). Important note on the title, i read it in my native language which is Indonesian so they might change the title and that "LEDG..." wouldn't help at all but i'm 100% sure that the author is not Indonesian.

enter image description here
Click through for the full image.

It's a magic-fantasy-war kind of novel. I think the main character was a young human male soldier, there are different races, I remember was a human-cat race(?) and maybe there was centaur race, not 100% sure though. There are magics, controlling water, fire, healing, summoning/teleporting magic, i remember the race that was summoned/teleported got green skin and considered elite race and that they bleed green. I'm not sure if every race could do magic but I remember a human-cat race controlling water on the sea and got possessed by the.. sea spirit(?).

I remember a plot where their... continent(?) were invaded by an invader from another continent across the sea, they came with tons of huge flying frigates/galleons with cannons who then bombarded cities and I think they were some kind of sea monsters race.

  • 2
    The ISFDB only lists four authors whose names begin with "V. C.". Commented Feb 11, 2021 at 9:31
  • 1
    I was thinking it looks like "WC", but the authors with short surnames after the 'WC' don't seem to have any fiction that meets the description. isfdb.org/cgi-bin/se.cgi?arg=W.+C.&type=Name
    – LAK
    Commented Feb 11, 2021 at 13:49
  • 1
    I've similarly scanned ISFDB for books starting with "ledg", but no dice.
    – FuzzyBoots
    Commented Feb 11, 2021 at 15:19
  • 2
    Using a image sharpener helps a little to figure out the title of the book. It seems to be "LIDO", or maybe "LIDG". imgur.com/a/jLxRWXx
    – IloneSP
    Commented Feb 11, 2021 at 16:40
  • 3
    We could make this one of those "identify every item on this picture" things.. top shelf has Winnetou and Kara Ben Nemsi stories by Karl May, and next to that the Inheritance Cycle. Second row has the Godfather, a few unindentified, the first Septimus Heap novel, Koontz "Life Expectancy", "Pillars of the Earth" and a few more. Last row seems to be in German - three unknown, "Super Spannung" (A crime anthology), a crime novel by Heinz G. Konsalik, a German copy of HHGTTG, something unknown in red (published by the Knaur imprint judging by the design) and a Readers Digest Anthology. Any more? Commented Feb 13, 2021 at 14:32

1 Answer 1


I think this is Ledgard: Musuh Dari Balik Kabut (which translates as Ledgard: The Enemy From Behind the Fog) by W.D. Yoga, published in 2005.

Ifarett's three soldiers: Nash, Rhavi, and Deedek the Centaur have a special task, which is to take Vasthi, the daughter of the leader of the Kaloon nation, back to his home. After they died, it turned out that Ifarett was devastated by the invasion of foreigners coming from the western sky on an airplane boat. One by one, the Ledgard region was devastated by the invasion of the flying boat, following Ifarett.

Nash, Rhavi and Deedek go to great lengths to convince all the nations in Ledgard that they cannot survive if they are still immersed in strife and vengeance among themselves. The risks they have to face are engaging in intrigue among the Sages, the harassing views of the inhabitants of Puri Pualam, distrust of the Ae Siri people, and the betrayal of the Centaurs.

Why did Vasthi come all the way to Ifarett just to save Nash, Rhavi, and Deedek from the invasion of the flying boat? How did the trio convince the residents of Ledgard to unite? Why did the Centaurs choose their own direction? A myriad of questions will be answered with thousands of questions in this book. Don't be curious!

I think the cover matches well, and I believe the author is Indonesian.

  • 1
    Translation of the review suggests this matches the little plot recalled. Nice find!
    – Zeiss Ikon
    Commented Feb 15, 2021 at 17:08
  • 2
    @mwarren - Well done, that surely has to be it! But no wonder this was so hard to find, with an old, obscure Anglo-Saxon/German name as the title, and a synopsis written entirely in Indonesian. Commented Feb 15, 2021 at 17:14
  • 1
    @Midnight Glad to help, thanks to those who have improved my answer text. I was in a hurry. It wasn't easy as I don't speak the language.
    – mwarren
    Commented Feb 15, 2021 at 17:32
  • 1
    @Adamant - Ledgard is an existing European surname; it's just a very rare, little-known one. Commented Feb 15, 2021 at 17:46
  • 6
    @Jenayah It was deceptively simple in the end. The OP said they read it in Indonesian, the image seems to show the authors name is very short and that the title starts Ledg, so I googled "indonesian fantasy book" and the second result is a long list of 142 books from Goodreads which I went through until I saw entry 16 which was Ledgard by W.D. Yoga, which matched the title and short author name.
    – mwarren
    Commented Feb 15, 2021 at 17:57

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