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Looking for a Discworld quote involving Rincewind running away and not looking behind

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Looking for a Discworld quote involving Rincewind

Rincewind is running away (obviously) and the quote goes along these lines:

"A less experienced coward might take a moment to look over their shoulder, but Rincewind knew better. Nothing he saw could make him run any faster than hecwas already and he knew that was just the moment a rock would be most likely to appear underfoot."

A less experienced coward might take a moment to look over their shoulder, but Rincewind knew better. Nothing he saw could make him run any faster than he was already and he knew that was just the moment a rock would be most likely to appear underfoot.

It made me laugh for months but I can't find it for love nor money.

Looking for a Discworld quote

Rincewind is running away (obviously) and the quote goes along these lines:

"A less experienced coward might take a moment to look over their shoulder, but Rincewind knew better. Nothing he saw could make him run any faster than hecwas already and he knew that was just the moment a rock would be most likely to appear underfoot."

It made me laugh for months but can't find it for love nor money.

Looking for a Discworld quote involving Rincewind

Rincewind is running away (obviously) and the quote goes along these lines:

A less experienced coward might take a moment to look over their shoulder, but Rincewind knew better. Nothing he saw could make him run any faster than he was already and he knew that was just the moment a rock would be most likely to appear underfoot.

It made me laugh for months but I can't find it for love nor money.

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Looking for a Discworld quote

Rincewind is running away (obviously) and the quote goes along these lines:

"A less experienced coward might take a moment to look over their shoulder, but Rincewind knew better. Nothing he saw could make him run any faster than hecwas already and he knew that was just the moment a rock would be most likely to appear underfoot."

It made me laugh for months but can't find it for love nor money.