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Questions tagged [numpy]

NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.

4 votes
1 answer

How can I efficiently find an anti-symmetric generator of a special orthogonal matrix?

Given a special orthogonal matrix $O$ (i.e: $OO^T = 1$ and $\det(O) = 1$), I am trying to efficiently find a matrix $X$ such that $O = e^X$ and $X = -X^T$ using Python (NumPy & SciPy). One obvious ...
Solarflare0's user avatar
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Converting an expression into an einsum

I have the following expression that I need to calculate for some matrices: $$ \sum_{k}c_{t,i,k}\sigma^\prime\left(w_tX_t+b_t\right)_k\left(\sum_\ell w_{t,k,\ell}\tilde{X}_t^{w,\ell}\right) $$ I could,...
Gummy bears's user avatar
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First and second component of fft for circle approximation to periodic curve

I wanted to understand how the fast fourier transform work in numpy and for this I tried apply it on $n$ points of an ellipse $t_k = \frac{2\pi}{n-1}k$ with $k=1...n$ $$f_k = f(t_k) = (acos(t_k), bsin(...
edamondo's user avatar
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Solving a polynomial with NumPy

I'm trying to do something that I thought would be very straightforward but somehow I'm struggling. I have a time series and I want to extrapolate it, assuming a linear trend, to forecast when will it ...
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11 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to express an arbitrary tensor contraction in terms of BLAS routines?

I noticed that libraries like numpy and pytorch are able to perform arbitrary tensor contractions at speeds similar to comparably sized matrix multiplications. This leads me to believe that underneath ...
ilya's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What algorithm(s) do numpy and scipy use to calculate matrix inverses?

I am solving differential equations that require inverting dense square matrices, and I wanted to know what algorithm(s) do numpy and scipy use to calculate matrix inverses?
kamy rez's user avatar
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Improvement to naive gradient descent implementation for the Thomson problem

I have a Python program (available on github) that uses naive gradient descent to find approximate solutions to the Thomson Problem. It works surprisingly well, but I've been wondering if there's a ...
Martin C.'s user avatar
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3 votes
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Helmholtz decomposition of a vector field in Fourier space with Python

I have a 3D vector field and I want to extract its divergence-free part (also called transverse component), using the Helmholtz decomposition. In principle, this can be done in the Fourier space, as ...
Wil's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Float equality tolerance for single and half precision

Suppose the metric is abs(a-b) <= rtol * max(abs(a), abs(b)) i.e. math.isclose with ...
OverLordGoldDragon's user avatar
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Compute a series of matrix multiplications and matrix norms quickly in Python

I need to compute a series of matrix multiplications involving 3x3 matrices and a series of matrix norms also involving 3x3 matrices and I wonder how I can set these computations up with numpy such ...
Mantabit's user avatar
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About Convolution Theorem

Deepak Kallepalli's user avatar
3 votes
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Time and memory required to diagonalize a 18000 by 18000 matrix using numpy in python

Can someone give an estimate of the Time and memory required to diagonalize a 20000 by 20000 complex hermitian matrix using numpy in python ?
Snpr_Physics's user avatar
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Convolution/weighted average of two arrays in Python

I have an equation that I need to calculate numerically, but I am having doubts about my approach. I am cross-posting this question from Stack Exchange, because I am not getting any responses. This is ...
theWrongAlice's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of same operator expressed in two different orthonormal basis are coming out different

I have an operator $H$. I express $H$ as a matrix in the orthonormalized $\{ |e > \}$ basis. Then I diagonalize it to obtain eigenvalues, let's say for example $H$ is $6 \times 6$ and the ...
Snpr_Physics's user avatar
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Beta function and integral value

I have two values $a$ and $b$ where $a \ge 0$ and $b \ge 0$ and I have to calculate the formula below. $$ \frac{1}{2}\int_0^1\text{abs}\left[\left( \frac{p_i^{(a - 1)} \times (1 - p_i)^{(b - 1)}}{\...
Bhavana Reddy's user avatar

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