i want to show waiting spinner on my remote-action call on command button with onClick event. i have wrote following code for that but its now working :

VisualForce Page:

<apex:actionStatus id="WORKING" >
 //loading spinner code.
<apex:commandButton status="WORKING" value="click here" onclick="doCheckRun(true);return false;"></apex:commandButton>

function doCheckRun(preview){

now when i click on command button then status="WORKING" is now showing the spinner if i add like this it is working :

<apex:actionFunction name="ShowSpinner" reRender="rerender" status="WORKING"/>

so when i add onClick event on command button its not working.

any help would be appreciated.

2 Answers 2


You can't use an apex:actionStatus element with a @RemoteAction or any other pure-JavaScript implementation (such as using XMLHttpRequest, webservice, sforce.connection.* methods, sforce.apex.* methods, etc).

Instead, you would have to draw your own spinner. apex:actionStatus only works with other Visualforce elements, such as apex:commandButton, apex:commandLink, apex:actionPoller, and apex:actionFunction.

<div id="spinner" style="display: none">
   <!-- spinner code here -->

<apex:commandButton status="WORKING" value="click here" onclick="doCheckRun(true);return false;"></apex:commandButton>

function doCheckRun(preview){
     document.getElementById("spinner").style.display = "block";
     Controller.remoteActionFunction(function(result) {
         document.getElementById("spinner").style.display = "none";
  • thank you @sfdcfox that worked.. added another div component and just called it in function as you said... and it worked.. thank you. Commented Jun 28, 2017 at 10:17

There is already one onClickEvent on apex commandbutton so it can't be overirdden by custom onclick event given you can use apex commandlink button

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