
  • [GORA-55] - Fix TestHBaseStore
  • [GORA-98] - Support CQL through Gora Hector API usage in Gora
  • [GORA-99] - Implement Speed4j within Hector API
  • [GORA-100] - Implement Kerberos security within gora-cassandra
  • [GORA-227] - Failing assertions when putting and getting Values using MemStore#execute
  • [GORA-316] - Upgrade to Avro 1.8.x in gora-dynamodb
  • [GORA-409] - JCache Datastore
  • [GORA-446] - java.util.NoSuchElementException thrown by accessing java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap.firstKey in MemStore
  • [GORA-447] - Fix NPE within MemStoreTest.testMemStoreDeleteByQueryFields and failed assertion within MemStoreTest.testGetWithFields
  • [GORA-489] - Adding CouchDB Datastore Documentation


  • [GORA-291] - Gora-core, unable to wire up packages not known in advance.
  • [GORA-293] - getDatastore use Class.forName() when use String parameters for dataStoreClass
  • [GORA-367] - testCountQuery(org.apache.gora.avro.mapreduce.TestDataFileAvroStoreMapReduce) failing in new environments
  • [GORA-398] - Create and initialize Gora master Jenkins job which uses Hadoop 2.X shims
  • [GORA-401] - Serialization and deserialization of Persistent does not hold the entity dirty state from Map to Reduce
  • [GORA-438] - Erroneous Exception Message at
  • [GORA-440] - Fix several instances of 'Method may fail to close stream' within gora-accumulo BinaryEncoder
  • [GORA-441] - Update build.gradle within gora-gradle-plugin to reference canonical Apache links
  • [GORA-453] - Implement bootstraping of GoraCI nodes with Chef and the JClouds ComputeService
  • [GORA-458] - DataOutputStream is not closed in BinaryEncoder#encodeXXX() methods
  • [GORA-459] - Resource leak due to unclosed Table
  • [GORA-460] - InputStream is not closed in DataStoreFactory#getMappingFile()
  • [GORA-462] - Potential null dereference of serializer in CassandraSubColumn#getFieldValue()
  • [GORA-463] - Missing assignment in CassandraSubColumn#getUnionSchema()
  • [GORA-467] - Flushing DataOutputStream before calling toByteArray on the underlying ByteArrayOutputStream
  • [GORA-474] - bug in & #getDatumReader
  • [GORA-478] - Address Sonar issues within gora-accumulo Encoder classes
  • [GORA-479] - Various compilation errors in gora-infinispan module
  • [GORA-480] - Compilation issues with gora-dynamodb
  • [GORA-491] - JCache test fail under JDK 1.8
  • [GORA-492] - javadoc:jar build error
  • [GORA-493] - Unclosed DataInputBuffer in IOUtils#deserialize()
  • [GORA-494] - Lack of synchronization accessing cacheManager in InfinispanClient#createSchema()
  • [GORA-495] - Gora compiler generates uncompilable databeans
  • [GORA-496] - gora commands doesn't output results to console
  • [GORA-499] - Potential NPE issue
  • [GORA-505] - TestContainers should be moved to test scope

New Feature

  • [GORA-102] - Implement a datastore for Hypertable
  • [GORA-224] - Pluggable client archiecture for gora-cassandra
  • [GORA-295] - Dynamic support for Cache Providers using JCache
  • [GORA-343] - Update Gora to support HBase version >= 0.96
  • [GORA-437] - Implement CouchDB Datastore
  • [GORA-445] - Review extent of transative dependencies post GORA-386
  • [GORA-471] - Datastore for Infinispan


  • [GORA-49] - Fix failing JUint tests in Gora modules
  • [GORA-78] - Umbrella parent issue for Hector usage
  • [GORA-125] - Clean up logging libraries
  • [GORA-135] - Add and other Hadoop related configuration to /conf
  • [GORA-240] - Tests for MemStore
  • [GORA-274] - Extend the LogManager to support -get <lineNum> <field list>
  • [GORA-277] - Create gora-maven-plugin
  • [GORA-315] - Define <scope> for * dependencies in pom.xml
  • [GORA-359] - Add integration to other distributed system frameworks to allow Gora as data ingest
  • [GORA-362] - Refactor gora-dynamodb to support avro serialization
  • [GORA-368] - Address flagged Sonar error in Gora package design
  • [GORA-412] - Consider location of @SuppressWarnings("all") in compiled classes
  • [GORA-414] - Upgrade to Accumulo 1.6.4
  • [GORA-439] - Remove Unused Method Parameters
  • [GORA-443] - Upgrade HBase to 1.2.3
  • [GORA-448] - Upgrade MongoDB Java Driver Version
  • [GORA-452] - Upgrade goraci prior to Chef and the ComputeService implementations
  • [GORA-466] - Upgrade to Avro 1.8.X
  • [GORA-469] - Gora doesn't build under JDK 1.8
  • [GORA-477] - Add support for Solr 5.x
  • [GORA-482] - Move into supporting only Hadoop2
  • [GORA-483] - CI build for Gora
  • [GORA-487] - Using IOUtils methods instead of duplicate code lines
  • [GORA-488] - setProperties method contains no code
  • [GORA-490] - Adding for gora datastore packages
  • [GORA-498] - Adding MongoDB Authentications
  • [GORA-504] - Switched Accumulo Dependency to 1.7.1 and ported AccumuloStore Class to work with accumulo 1.7.1


  • [GORA-370] - Implement MapReduce 2.X tests
  • [GORA-454] - Implement FilterList tests
  • [GORA-465] - Remove @Deprecated logic for hbase-mapping.xml
  • [GORA-506] - Investigate timing of HBase tests
  • [GORA-507] - Shorten the execution time of TestHBaseStore


  • [GORA-294] - Setup Pre-Commit build for gora-trunk Jenkins job
  • [GORA-442] - Create documentation for GoraSparkEngine
  • [GORA-484] - Add documentation to JCache Datastore
  • [GORA-501] - Fix Javadoc for JDK1.8 compliance

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