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Questions tagged [перевод]

All questions about translation of words, phrases, idioms or collocations from English to Russian. Read the FAQ section about translations; questions asking for translations are off-topic unless prior research effort is clearly indicated.

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4 answers

How polite is the sentence "Вы не скажете, где лифт?" which is asked using negation?

Presently I am learning Russian & I am at Beginner level. I have seen this sentence in a book. Вы не скажете, где лифт Initially I thought that it was a printing mistake and it should be like ...
Siva Prasad's user avatar
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What did the wear "абажур" look like?

Please note, I am asking about part of wear, not about accessory for a lamp. Initially I thought it is something similar to visor cap, so it would be placed on forehead. But I read such passage in &...
greenoldman's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is it wrong to say/ write "иностранец мне показывал свой паспорт" rather than "иностранец показывал мне свой паспорт"

As Russian has flexible word order, the following sentences should mean the same. А) иностранец мне показывал свой паспорт Б) иностранец показывал мне свой паспорт But, as per DuoLingo, First ...
Siva Prasad's user avatar
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5 answers

Idiomatic translation of the book title "I Know This Much Is True" into Russian

The phrase “this much” is explained here: The Russian translation of this book title is: "Я знаю что это ...
Santa Maria's user avatar
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Как правильно транскрибировать английское имя Nathan на русский?

Как правильно будет транскрибировать английское имя Nathan на русский? В голове пока что есть три варианта: Нейтан, Нэйтан и Нэтан. При аргументировании правильного на ваш взгляд варианта транскрипции,...
Andrew Ourst's user avatar
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About use of нравиться and понравиться

Textbooks teach that a negative perfective is used to express a failure to do something. This is confusing to me in regard to certain verbs — especially понравиться. In the following sentence: Ма́ма ...
accforcra's user avatar
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What does "внушать себе" mean?

What does "внушать себе" mean? The sentence goes as follows: "Кровать подо мною подымалась, опускалась и вновь подымалась - плыла по синусоиде. Я внушал себе: "Ночью - нумера ...
klzr's user avatar
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3 answers

Distinguishing between "effectiveness" and "efficiency" in Russian

The Russian translation for "effectiveness" seems to be "эффективность", a word that sounds pretty similar to "effectiveness" and also initially would seem to be able to ...
Max's user avatar
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2 x 2 = 4 or 2 + 2 = 4 as an evident fact?

In Tolstoy's Исповедь one reads : Истина эта была всегда истина, как 2 × 2 = 4, но я не признавал ее, потому что, признав 2 × 2 = 4, я бы должен был признать то, что я нехорош. 2 x 2 = 4 is ...
Bruno's user avatar
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What is the Russian equivalent of 'perfect is as perfect does'?

I've encountered this saying multiple times in English, but even though I'm a native Russian speaker, I can't find an exact equivalent of this saying in Russian. Perhaps someone here knows?
Rusurano's user avatar
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What is the difference semantically between речь and выступление?

I believe both речь and выступление can have the same shade of meaning that the word "speech" does in English (not as in an utterance, but as in a formal address you give before an audience)....
johnna_nyet's user avatar
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What kind of word is this? "случи́вшемся"

Grammatically and morphologically speaking, what kind of word is this? "случи́вшемся" in the following sentence: Поговори́ с сы́ном о случи́вшемся. ChatGPT says: The word "случи́вшемся&...
Isa's user avatar
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Translation of "ради Бога" [closed]

For "ради Бога" dictionaries give "for goodness' sake" and "for heaven's sake" as well as "for God's sake." As expressions that support a request, the first two ...
Ephraim's user avatar
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"damage" and "to do damage" in video games context

I'm making a YouTube video game guide and I'm adding Russian subtitles to expand my audience. As you know, video games use phrases like "damage", "to do damage" and "deal ...
ie8yq's user avatar
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Why мне всё мало is "I'm not enough" and not "Nothing is enough for me"?

At least on Google Translate, "мне всё мало" is "I'm not enough", which is something I cannot understand. Judging from other uses of the dative case and the word мне, I understand ...
Piero Acosta's user avatar

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