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LizWeir's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
56 votes

How can I allow my player to play a ranged paladin-style character?

31 votes

RAW, when using the Abjuration Wizard's Projected Ward, who takes "any remaining damage"?

23 votes

Can I wield Spiritual Weapon in my off hand to mimic two weapon fighting?

22 votes

How long does the benefit of a successful saving throw against a poison last?

19 votes

Are there any class abilities that allow a character to negate/disable the Disengage action?

19 votes

Can Blades in the Dark be played in a custom setting?

17 votes

Does elf weapon training do anything useful at character creation?

15 votes

Does the Shadow Magic sorcerer's Eyes of the Dark feature negate Sunlight Sensitivity for creatures like drow?

14 votes

Can I Use Minor Illusion to create a 5ft box around myself to block a scrying sensor's sight?

14 votes

How would combat work without opportunity attacks?

13 votes

Can goblin food of poor quality cause some sort of damage?

12 votes

How can I make crime meaningful for rich players?

12 votes

Is there an organisation similar to the Illuminati?

12 votes

What happens when a character fails to reject influence that would put a label above +3 or below -2?

11 votes

What strategies do the Excrucians use to destroy reality?

11 votes

How do I telegraph to players that the fortress is alert because they let the guards escape?

10 votes

What archfey exist in Eberron lore that would make a suitable warlock patron?

9 votes

What creatures exist (besides the Githzerai) that associate psionics with anything besides Intelligence?

8 votes

Can you pull the same enemy multiple times with Grasp of Hadar?

7 votes

Can a creature grasped by Grasp of Hadar move with the Warlock?

7 votes

How do the War Caster feat and the Enemies Abound spell interact when an opportunity attack is provoked?

6 votes

How can a character cast really powerful spells in Mage the Awakening 2ed?

5 votes

Are creatures in combat aware of the effects of others turns' in the same round before they begin their own turn?

5 votes

Can I use the Samurai fighter's Fighting Spirit feature to make a Sneak Attack if I am also multiclassed into rogue?

4 votes

What approaches to tanky leaders are available in 5e Eberron?

4 votes

In the Telekinetic feat for Psionic Options Revisited, what if you already know the cantrip?

4 votes

What would be the effects of changing the duration of a round from 6 seconds to 5 seconds?

3 votes

What mundane item does an artificer infuse to replicate a Prosthetic Limb or an Arcane Propulsion Arm?

1 vote

What labels should be used when moves referencing playbook-specific features are taken as a move from another playbook?

1 vote

Does Mage Armor apply to Dodge rolls by default?