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Questions tagged [leader]

For questions about leaders, one of the four roles for D&D 4e characters.

2 votes
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What approaches to tanky leaders are available in 5e Eberron?

What are the general concepts, concerns, and opportunities for a tanky support/leader character? I mean “leader” in the 4e sense, of a character who leads from the front and whose primary role is to ...
Jon1one's user avatar
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Just how problematic is a controller/defender-heavy party relying on Lifespirit Warden for healing?

A friend decided to do a short 4e game; the current plan is to do only four sessions or so, all at level 6. I’m (still) not super-clear on how items are being handled, but I gather there’s some ...
KRyan's user avatar
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Can a Leader's Burst Healing work if there is a blocking wall?

Most of the Leader's in 4th edition have a close burst 5 Healing power. If the target of the Healing power is completely blocked by a wall from the Leader, can ...
Mark Rogers's user avatar
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Leaders Healing too powerful/polarizing in 4e?

My friend and I were having a discussion about Leaders in D&D 4e. At any rate, it was suggested that it would be better if our party had fewer leaders rather than more: their main purpose (...
Kitsuiko's user avatar
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What is an effective leader for a striker heavy first level party?

I'm new to D&D and recently posted a question asking what class would do the most damage and learned that we need a good damage-mitigator. We have a Drow Warlock (dark pact), Longtooth shifter ...
Jeremiah Page's user avatar