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RevanantBacon's user avatar
RevanantBacon's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Wandering the edges of the Elemental Plane of Bacon
61 votes

Roleplay pacing in non-combat situations

61 votes

Do rations contain loose salt?

41 votes

What does it mean for a word or phrase to be a "game term"?

30 votes

How can I help my players that are new to answering story-building questions?

30 votes

Can the Chronurgy wizard's Chronal Shift feature be used when a creature uses Legendary Resistance to succeed on a saving throw?

25 votes

If I use the starting wealth rolls of my class, do I keep any remaining money left over?

25 votes

What are common routes from Shadowdale to Waterdeep?

23 votes

Does the spell Feather Fall prevent damage from falling down stairs?

20 votes

Can a Bladesinger wizard cast Shillelagh, Magic Stone, or Mending with their Extra Attack feature?

19 votes

Which Rogue archetype does the highest damage for my Highwayman build?

18 votes

How do I convert the DC of a check from AD&D 2E to 5E?

18 votes

For a base 1st-level spell, can a Scribes wizard use the Master Scrivener feature to copy it at 2nd level (before its power is enhanced)?

18 votes

The descriptions of the Swashbuckler rogue's Rakish Audacity feature in XGTE and SCAG disagree. Which is correct?

18 votes

Is the warlock's Pact of the Chain option as bad as it looks, or did I miss something?

16 votes

In Out of the Abyss, one character requires an item yet starts with it confiscated. What should I do?

15 votes

Does Shadow of Moil heavily obscure you against an opponent with Truesight?

15 votes

Does something count as "dealing damage" if its damage is reduced to zero?

15 votes

Can I Feint while Swallowed Whole?

14 votes

Can the spell immovable object be used to carry very heavy things?

13 votes

Can a victim of the Dream spell's nightmare take another long rest immediately after the rest they were affected by Dream?

13 votes

How can a new DM deal with having given out overpowered weapons at a low level?

12 votes

Does the spell Web work with the Graviturgy Wizard's Gravity Well feature?

12 votes

Are there any gods or godlike entities in D&D associated primarily with fear?

12 votes

When my PC is polymorphed, what happens to her familiar from the Find Familiar spell?

12 votes

What is the penalty for fighting while blind?

12 votes

How does Investiture of Stone interact with Meld into Stone?

11 votes

Frontline satyr bard – better to be from Theros or from Thylea?

11 votes

If a creature is hit by an OA by someone with the Sentinel feat, but then gains a new type of speed, does that new speed also become 0 for the turn?

11 votes

How to avoid killing player characters due to a single (un)lucky roll?

10 votes

What happens when a Scrying target teleports away, or moves through a portal?

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