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Vigil's user avatar
Vigil's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • UK
56 votes

Is there a mechanical benefit to using a light crossbow over a long bow or short bow?

51 votes

What happens to vampire spawn when the vampire is slain?

40 votes

What can break a Vampire’s Charm besides Greater Restoration?

40 votes

Why do red dragons and gold dragons have the same CR?

31 votes

What is Eldritch Blast's maximum range?

30 votes

How will ability scores be unbalanced if I remove the 20 cap?

29 votes

If a Druid sees an animal’s corpse, can they Wild Shape into that animal?

29 votes

What does "statistics" mean in the Yuan-Ti Malison description?

28 votes

Can a Wizard cast a Ritual Spell as many times as they want during the day?

25 votes

Does a Familiar I’m carrying turn invisible with me if I cast Greater Invisibility on myself?

20 votes

How to deal lightning damage with a tempest domain cleric?

18 votes

Does the bugbear's long-limbed ability apply to melee spell attacks like shocking grasp?

18 votes

When exactly is the outcome of a roll determined?

18 votes

Can someone on the Ethereal Plane tell if someone on the material plane is a ghost?

17 votes

Can a ranged rogue effectively stand back and sneak attack opponents every turn with a ranged weapon while their allies fight on the front line?

17 votes

If I discern Minor Illusion, does it become transparent?

17 votes

Does 5e have an equivalent of the Psychic Paper from Doctor Who?

17 votes

Can a character maintain concentration on a readied spell after being affected by the Feeblemind spell?

16 votes

How can one spellcaster avoid complete lockdown via Counterspell against multiple other casters?

15 votes

What can a spellcaster do against an Antimagic Field other than break it?

15 votes

What are outcome-changing circumstances mentioned in Augury and Divination?

15 votes

How large is it possible for a PC to get?

14 votes

Can a Changeling with the Actor feat have permanent advantage on Performance and Deception checks?

14 votes

If a PC Levitates an opponent away, does the PC get an Opportunity Attack against them?

12 votes

Can I change appearance multiple times with one casting of Disguise Self?

12 votes

How fast does Watery Sphere fall over open air?

10 votes

Is this homebrew sentient armour race balanced?

9 votes

If one of the hags in a coven dies how is a hag eye affected?

9 votes

Does an enemy that takes Disengage action provoke opportunity attack when moving toward someone with a pike and Polearm Mastery and Sentinel feat?

8 votes

Does a lycanthrope's AC change when shapechanged from a form wearing armor?