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Stop Being Evil's user avatar
Stop Being Evil
  • Member for 6 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
  • California, United States
56 votes

Is this a deadly encounter?

39 votes

How can I politely explain to a DM that removing player agency is usually bad?

34 votes

Overpowered pyromancer (Kaladesh) nuking the battlefield for the lulz: fixing our Icewind Dale campaign

27 votes

Using wish to teleport without rolling on the mishap table

27 votes

How easy is it to recognize that a creature is under the Dominate Monster spell?

24 votes

How to deal with a player who is a bad sport?

24 votes

If a flying creature with no swim speed ends up in water, can it fly out?

22 votes

How can a player smoothly transition from death to playing a hireling?

22 votes

How can I convince my DM that my diplomacy will work on his characters?

22 votes

I have a player who will not stop cheating

20 votes

Does the degree of success or failure on a skill check matter?

20 votes

Does Resistance combine with Deflect Missiles and make it easier to throw it back?

20 votes

How to communicate, in game, to a player that they are behaving sub-optimally in a specific section (that was designed for them)

19 votes

My DM has removed heavy armour from the game. How can I make a Paladin work or convince him not to do this?

19 votes

Is it possible to chain the Dissonant Whispers spell if multiple characters have the War Caster feat?

18 votes

Does Mithral Armor in the form of a Chain Shirt still count as a light armor?

18 votes

Can a caster cast a sleep spell on themselves?

18 votes

How does moving silently with Greater Invisibility after taking an action work?

15 votes

How can players work together to take actions that are otherwise impossible?

13 votes

How do I calculate my to-hit bonus when using the Great Weapon Master feat?

13 votes

Are all d20 rolls either attacks, saves or ability checks?

13 votes

Can a lock be frozen to be more easily broken?

13 votes

Does a rest remove ALL chase-induced exhaustion or just ONE level?

12 votes

Is the 2nd-level ability of a transmutation wizard under-powered when compared to other wizard subclasses' 2nd-level abilities?

11 votes

Is the Animate Objects spell overpowered?

10 votes

Does casting spells through Mizzium Apparatus allow for upcasting?

10 votes

Curing trap phobia

10 votes

How does the Antimagic Field spell affect the caster of a Zone of Truth's ability to know whether a target succeeded or failed the save?

9 votes

Broccoli games: or, how do you deal with unfun sessions before you get to have fun again?

9 votes

Given one sending stone, how can I locate its mate?