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Kerrick's user avatar
Kerrick's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
44 votes

What can a ranger 1/paladin 1 do with their spell slots?

22 votes

If a PC contracts lycanthropy (werewolf), do they gain the abilities in its stat block?

21 votes

As a DM, how can I use Power Word: Kill without ruining my players' fun?

11 votes

As a dungeon master, how can I manage a blind encounter?

11 votes

How does the token method of templating spell areas work in practice?

9 votes

Just started D&D, what does it mean for me to be proficient in a skill and other problems - please help!

7 votes

What is the maximum number of tool proficiencies a character can gain?

7 votes

Does an attack with a sword enchanted with Continual Flame count as a magical attack for the purposes of damage resistances?

5 votes

How quickly can you dig a pit trap hole with Mold Earth?

4 votes

Does Cartomancer's Hidden Ace require you to expend a spell slot?

4 votes

Do tortles get a bonus to AC from a shield while using Shell Defense?

4 votes

Why does this 7th-level spellcaster NPC only have slots and prepared spells appropriate to a 3rd-level spellcaster?

3 votes

Can the damage taken from Blood Channeling cause you to lose concentration on the spell it's paying for?

0 votes

How does the Order of Scribes wizard's Awakened Spellbook feature work with spells that require you to choose a damage type?

-1 votes

How does the Order of Scribes feature Awakened Spellbook work with multiple damage types?

-1 votes

How does the Haste spell's extra action interact with the Bladesinger's Extra Attack feature and with cantrips that do "one weapon attack only"?

-3 votes

What could a Homunculus Servant transform into via true polymorph?

-3 votes

Can a spell cast using the Cartomancer feat's Hidden Ace feature be Counterspelled?

-3 votes

Does the Cartomancer feat's Hidden Ace benefit require the imbued spell's components at the time of casting and/or imbuing?

-4 votes

Does the lightning damage clause of Lightning Lure check the target's distance before or after the creature would fall?