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40 votes

How can I word an aspect that I can potentially veto being compelled without using an X-Card?

What you want is impossible You wrote a lot on the topic while taking great pains to not mention anything material about the aspect which makes it very difficult to provide any real advice. However, ...
Percival's user avatar
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35 votes

What are the benefits of using the X Card safety tool in comparison to plain communication?

X Card and other toolkit resources come with rules, whereas when groups which I've played with in the past left things to "plain communication" what happened when game content triggered people was ...
Beanluc's user avatar
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29 votes

What are the benefits of using the X Card safety tool in comparison to plain communication?

In my experience, the X-Card provides more benefit in the explanation than in the use of the card. It is incredibly powerful to start a session with an explicit reminder that everyone at the table is ...
gomad's user avatar
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19 votes

Social contract for flirting at LARPs

While I'm not such a purist that I would avoid breaking character in a LARP to note that I want something to stop, I've met some people who play at that level in the Madrid scene. This is a method ...
NameDisplay's user avatar
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18 votes

How can I word an aspect that I can potentially veto being compelled without using an X-Card?

It sounds like you’re opposed to prejudice from the real world applying to the game In light of clarification in the examples given in the question, I actually think the answer is straightforward, if ...
Guybrush McKenzie's user avatar
12 votes

How does dwarfism affect TTRPG gameplay experiences?

In the fairly recent past, I've played in a gaming group with a woman who, if not affected by some mild form of dwarfism, was especially small, short-fingered and short-limbed (I never asked or heard ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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12 votes

How can I word an aspect that I can potentially veto being compelled without using an X-Card?

The whole system of Fate compels are about driving the player-characters to the limits of their comfort zones. It's all about exploring the weaknesses (but also strengths) that character's aspects ...
Philipp's user avatar
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11 votes

How can I word an aspect that I can potentially veto being compelled without using an X-Card?

You can't have it both ways I'm not fussed about the specifics of the (potential) aspect in question, because it seems to me your problem is more fundamental than that. Details aside, the universe of ...
SirTechSpec's user avatar
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11 votes

How can I word an aspect that I can potentially veto being compelled without using an X-Card?

Don’t play Fate If you want complete control of your character, Fate is not your system. There are many other RPGs available - find one that fits. It seems like you have a red-green morality problem. ...
Dale M's user avatar
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11 votes

Do consent forms genuinely contribute to safer playing environments in practice?

Consent forms have issues because they can never be specific enough, but may still be useful for some people. It is worth having a discussion, especially in horror, about what players may be ...
TimothyAWiseman's user avatar
11 votes

How to pitch Wraith in a responsible fashion without risking traumatizing people?

There are several different angles you can use to pitch a Wraith chronicle. Here are some that I have used. Isekai. The story of a wraith begins as "You're a normal person suddenly shifted into ...
Jadasc's user avatar
  • 55.4k
10 votes

How can I word an aspect that I can potentially veto being compelled without using an X-Card?

You can always "veto an aspect being compelled". You don't need an X-Card, but using safety tools can help. If I could set myself in the ideal place to handle your scenario, I would be ...
Glazius's user avatar
  • 41.2k
10 votes

Social contract for flirting at LARPs

Disclaimer My experience comes from LARPing in Russian Federation only, almost exclusively in Moscow. I have never LARPed in another country, and my experience outside of Moscow is very limited. LARP ...
R.I.P.30.12.21Baskakov_Dmitriy's user avatar
9 votes

Vampire and Safety Tools

How do you implement safety tools without the active participation of the organizers and your fellow players? You don't, because you can't. Safety tools are not some prophylactic that you use to stop ...
Glazius's user avatar
  • 41.2k
9 votes

How does dwarfism affect TTRPG gameplay experiences?

You're looking at the wrong angle here. Yes, there are some disabilities that can fundamentally render the physical mechanics of playing a TTRPG inaccessible. But that's not what we're talking about ...
LessPop_MoreFizz's user avatar
8 votes

How can I word an aspect that I can potentially veto being compelled without using an X-Card?

Actually, This Is Possible Your character has the aspect "red hair, but only in situations where this would not be distressing for AncientSwordRage". If someone tries to compel this aspect ...
Dan B's user avatar
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8 votes

How can I word an aspect that I can potentially veto being compelled without using an X-Card?

A _-Card is the right idea In my experience using safety tools, the X-Card is often perceived as the nuclear option. People respect one's choice to use it, but may still feel like something (almost) ...
Red Orca's user avatar
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4 votes

Do consent forms genuinely contribute to safer playing environments in practice?

Depending on what you mean by "form", they can help or hinder. In all the games I run, I ask the players for a list of things they want, would like, would not like, and do not want in the game. The ...
Sardathrion - against SE abuse's user avatar
4 votes

What are the benefits of using the X Card safety tool in comparison to plain communication?

In addition to what has already been presented; The X Card and similar mechanics also present players with a method to express discomfort with actions and content within a game without needing to be ...
KingdomsOfKalamari's user avatar
3 votes

Practical use of the O-card, or how to measure positive consent on the fly

I myself am a heavy advocate of the TTRPG Safety Toolkit and it's been helpful for me across a multitude of campaigns as both a DM and a Player. You mentioned that you have a very short time for any ...
SamsyTheUnicorn's user avatar

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