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84 votes

What are the major changes between Pathfinder first and second editions?

General Stat Generation: Pathfinder Second Edition (PF2e) has moved away from the methods of the past wherein you generated stats using a point buy or rolled them. Instead you receive various ability ...
willuwontu's user avatar
  • 12.3k
67 votes

Why has 5e moved away from "per encounter" language?

In older (pre-4th) editions of D&D, there was a general philosophy that the purpose of the system was to simulate the functioning of a certain fantasy world. Thus magical powers would often be ...
Jim Belk's user avatar
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63 votes

How are pluses on vanilla weapons and armour different than previous editions?

D&D 5th edition was designed with something its designers call "bounded accuracy." A full description and analysis would require more text than is appropriate for this format, so I recommend a ...
Derek Stucki's user avatar
  • 27.8k
53 votes

When did Warlocks make their first appearance in D&D and how do they differ between editions?

1974, 1990, or 2004, depending In each of these years, a new option was introduced to D&D that was labeled “warlock.” It wasn’t until 2004 that the warlock was its own class, but 1990 had warlock ...
KRyan's user avatar
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42 votes

When did Druids make their first appearance in D&D, and how do they differ between editions?

1975—Original D&D, but not playable The original Greyhawk supplement included druids, but they weren’t playable characters. They had a shape-changing ability. 1976—Original D&D, as cleric ...
KRyan's user avatar
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41 votes

What are the rules differences between Pathfinder and Starfinder?

The developers have previewed us with the major system differences on this blog article: Hit Points, Stamina Points, and Resolve Points. In Starfinder, Hit Points measure the health and robustness of ...
ShadowKras's user avatar
  • 61.6k
38 votes

What's the difference between Apocalypse World 1e and 2e?

New and changed moves There are several new moves, with the largest additions being Road war moves (vehicular combat) Subterfuge moves (cat and mouse -style tracking) Tactical and support moves (...
kviiri's user avatar
  • 54.1k
36 votes

What are the major changes between Pathfinder first and second editions?

There are lots of changes, mostly major changes. I can only think about certain spells when thinking about "things that didn't change much", and even those have basic system changes behind them. I ...
ShadowKras's user avatar
  • 61.6k
35 votes

Is 5th Edition D&D combat faster than in 3.5 at low levels?

5th Edition Let's look at the main things that "take time" during a turn. Math! Deciding which thing to do. Doing the thing you decided to do. Looking up the rules for the thing you're ...
goodguy5's user avatar
  • 21.2k
32 votes

How do interpretations of Hit Points vary among D&D editions?

Hit Points (HP): how they are treated, comparison across editions TL:DR - as it was in the beginning1, hit points are mostly an abstraction that indicate whether the character/creature is alive or ...
KorvinStarmast's user avatar
32 votes

Are Tucker's Kobolds scarier under 5e rules than in previous editions?

Mechanics-wise, they would be deadlier under D&D5E rules. Philosophy-wise, Tucker's Kobolds have always depended upon DM fiat. Two points before beginning: It is my belief that a fair amount of ...
Magua's user avatar
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31 votes

How are pluses on vanilla weapons and armour different than previous editions?

Bounded Accuracy is a key element of 5th Edition's design. In order to keep the lower level challenges relevant at higher levels, they've tightened the range of bonuses. This keeps a flatter curve and ...
T.J.L.'s user avatar
  • 48.8k
31 votes

How do all the World of Darkness and Chronicles of Darkness RPGs connect?

Connections and Lack Thereof World of Darkness (Classic) and Chronicles of Darkness (formerly unofficially known as 'new' World of Darkness) are a spiritual predecessor/successor pair, not part of the ...
vicky_molokh- unsilence Monica's user avatar
31 votes

Does 5e follow the Primary Source rule?

No other source book currently printed overrides the core rules (unless you want it to) Other than the PHB, DMG, and MM, the only other source book that resembles a general rule book (as opposed to a ...
Ryan C. Thompson's user avatar
31 votes

What are the major differences in style and system between D&D 5e and Pathfinder 2e?

D&D 5e has been optimized to make it simple to learn and play, which is what you are reacting to. Its design reflects the fracturing of the D&D fanbase after 4e, and to a certain extent ...
KRyan's user avatar
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30 votes

When did Monks make their first appearance in D&D, and how do they differ between editions?

Monks first Appeared in the Blackmoor Supplement in OD&D (1975) Monks (Order of Monastic Martial Arts), a sub-class of Clerics which also combines the general attributes of Thief and Fighting ...
KorvinStarmast's user avatar
29 votes

Is 5th Edition D&D combat faster than in 3.5 at low levels?

There's probably a lot of parts that contribute, but I'll give you a few that I've noticed help a lot: Fewer circumstancial bonuses You don't need to remember a ton of minor bonuses, like getting +2 ...
Erik's user avatar
  • 81.6k
29 votes

What playable races were cut between 4e and 5e?

This is an interesting question that could be rephrased as "What's not in 5th edition...yet?" because Wizards has indeed been filling in some of the gaps. To start with, though, 4th Edition ...
Raven Dreamer's user avatar
28 votes

What are the main differences in the druid class between 5th edition and 3.5 edition?

First, make sure you’re familiar with all of the general differences between 3.5e and 5e, as all of that is going to apply to a druid as much as it applies to everyone else. Animal Companion The 5e ...
KRyan's user avatar
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27 votes

Have the developers of D&D 5e explained why they made Opportunity Attacks work the way they do?

For simplicity's sake. I couldn't find a direct statement about opportunity attacks, but I did find the following comments: Mike Mearls, from Amazing Stories Magazine, emphasis added: What we ...
Icyfire's user avatar
  • 63.7k
27 votes

When did Artificers make their first appearance in D&D, and how do they differ between editions?

1996—AD&D 2e, but it wasn’t a separate class As another answer of mine discusses, the 1996 Player’s Option: Spells & Magic for AD&D 2e introduced “artificer” as a “kit” (kind of like 5e’s ...
KRyan's user avatar
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25 votes

Why has 5e moved away from "per encounter" language?

tl;dr No reason - as long as everyone is on the same page about what an encounter is. What even is an encounter? Part of the change from 4th to 5th was "rulings over rules" - the rules would ...
SPavel's user avatar
  • 15.7k
25 votes

Does Pathfinder 2e have more in common with D&D 5e than it does with Pathfinder 1e?

Pathfinder 2e is still more like Pathfinder 1e than D&D 5e The second edition of the Pathfinder rules does not draw very much at all from D&D 5th edition. If anything, there are a handful of ...
Quadratic Wizard's user avatar
24 votes

What are the main differences between Basic red box D&D (any version) and 5e?

These are two editions I like and know well. And I'm at a loss with even where to start trying to explain the differences to someone thinking they're similar. The trouble is that every edition after ...
SevenSidedDie's user avatar
23 votes

What are the differences between Numenera and Numenera 2?

Numenera 2 has two corebooks. Discovery, and Destiny. Numenera 2 works now in the Cypher System. The main change it brings to Numenera is related to armour. The costs in might and speed associated ...
Astrofrancky's user avatar
23 votes

When did Warlocks make their first appearance in D&D and how do they differ between editions?

2004 The warlock first appeared as a non-core class in Complete Arcane in 2004 for 3rd edition. They were an original core class in the Player[']s Handbook for 4th and 5th edition. The iconic ...
Dale M's user avatar
  • 213k
23 votes

Have spaceships always cost about the same as putting armor on your horse?

Not for a permanently spaceworthy ship I looked it up in my old Spelljammer box set for AD&D 2nd Edition, and the new rules greatly simplify the creation of Spelljamming helms and vessels. And you’...
Guybrush McKenzie's user avatar
22 votes

How did the multiclassing rules change in the different editions of D&D?

OD&D (1e) Multiclassing was not supported initially (three brown books) unless one played an elf. The elf version of “multiclassing” was to advance as a magic-user (up to level 8) and a fighting ...
KRyan's user avatar
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21 votes

Does The Idea Of Threatened Squares Exist in 5e?

You're correct. In 5e, opportunity attacks occur only when you move out of reach (PHB 195): You can make an opportunity attack when a hostile creature that you can see moves out of your reach. ...
Icyfire's user avatar
  • 63.7k
19 votes

What are the main changes from Vampire: the Masquerade V20 to V5?

The main system changes Vitae is no longer tracked through a blood pool. Instead, up to five dice in every test pool are replaced with contrasting-color "hunger dice"; the more of these ...
Jadasc's user avatar
  • 55.4k

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