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19 votes

Restoring a Vampire to mortal life

Maybe. Rumours speak of a sacred few who have escaped the Curse of Caine and become mortal again. Such stories of Redemption have existed for centuries, as have tales of eternal Damnation. If ...
Phlyk's user avatar
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11 votes

Where can I find the rules to play a craftmason?

The rules you want are in the Dark Ages Mage: Grimoire, in the appendix. You can find a future update in Mage: the Sorcerer's Crusade, along with many of the other crafts that made up the nascent ...
Jadasc's user avatar
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7 votes

What rules are there for resolving mass combat?

For a Dark Ages: Mage game, you'll find the rules for mass combat — fights between armies — in the Dark Ages Storyteller's Companion, under the section marked "Blood & Tears." It's oriented with ...
Jadasc's user avatar
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How to make the game exciting for someone playing a child character?

Mage the Ascension is, at least in my eyes, a game of exploring the paradigma of the characters played as much as their struggle to achieve something in the war for reality. The Dark Ages variant ...
Trish's user avatar
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7 votes

Spending Quintessence per Turn

Here's what that means, in context. If you wish to reduce the difficulty of casting a given spell, you may spend Quintessence to do so. Each point of Quintessence spent to do so lowers the difficulty ...
Jadasc's user avatar
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6 votes

How to make the game exciting for someone playing a child character?

If superhero comics have taught me anything, kill their parents. To be clear, I mean the character's parents. A child who has inherited a fortune and had their parents suddenly taken from them, ...
Lino Frank Ciaralli's user avatar
5 votes

Are there any supplements for chinese mages in dark ages?

There aren’t. There were only two books for Dark Ages: Mage, and neither of them addressed magical traditions from that area.
Jadasc's user avatar
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2 votes

How to make the game exciting for someone playing a child character?

Have you heard of Kvothe or Harry Potter or Nona Grey?… All share one thing in common: they are all thrown into a world with special talents they neither control nor understand. They see the world in ...
Sardathrion - against SE abuse's user avatar
1 vote

Restoring a Vampire to mortal life

There is a Way, for a Small Price There is a way to make a vampire mortal again, and prevent repeated Embraces. Of course, you won't learn of these methods from the preachers of Golconda. But since ...
vicky_molokh- unsilence Monica's user avatar

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