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For questions about items imbued with magic in some way, usually beneficial but occasionally detrimental, such as a cloak which renders the wearer invisible or a hammer which returns to its wielder when thrown.

9 votes

Given one sending stone, how can I locate its mate?

Just activate the one you have, and see what happens. If its mate isn't in a creature's possession, activating your stone tells you this, and doesn't consume its daily charge. But if someone (or some …
Stop Being Evil's user avatar
10 votes

Does casting spells through Mizzium Apparatus allow for upcasting?

Normally, yes... Per what you've cited from the DMG, a spell cast from a magic item will be cast at the lowest possible spell level unless the item's description says otherwise. This is also the way r …
Stop Being Evil's user avatar
4 votes

Do magic items have any inherent monetary value outside of what they do?

By strict RAW, yes, provided it didn't lose its magic. The Dungeon Master's Guide lists rules for downtime activities to create and sell magic items. The price, whether an actual sum of gp for a trade …
Stop Being Evil's user avatar
18 votes

Does Mithral Armor in the form of a Chain Shirt still count as a light armor?

No, the armor's category does not change. Mithral Armor Armor (medium or heavy, but not hide), uncommon Mithral is a light, flexible metal. A mithral chain shirt or breastplate can be worn under norm …
Stop Being Evil's user avatar
3 votes

How can I improve this homebrew magic item so that it remains balanced across a wide range o...

Nesbitto’s answer details why you might not want to be worried about someone burning a high-level spell slot on the ring as you cited, but if you still don’t want to see that happen (or don’t want to …
Stop Being Evil's user avatar