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For questions about items imbued with magic in some way, usually beneficial but occasionally detrimental, such as a cloak which renders the wearer invisible or a hammer which returns to its wielder when thrown.

8 votes

What happens if I use the Coiling Grasp Tattoo on the same target multiple times?

You are right, the target remains grappled. The creature didn't break the current grapple. It just avoided your attack. The creature must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or take 3d6 force da …
BlueMoon93's user avatar
  • 46.7k
7 votes
1 answer

How to find effects of magical items?

Similar to this question, but specific to D&D 5e, how are players meant to find out the effects of items/potions/scrolls/weapons/armor? Say, they find a potion in some chemist's chest. It is red and …
BlueMoon93's user avatar
  • 46.7k
12 votes

What's the nearest 5e implementation of Kratos' Leviathan axe?

If you're an Eldritch Fighter, you could use a hand-axe. At level 3, Eldritch Fighters gain the Weapon Bond feature. Once you have bonded a weapon to yourself, you can't be disarmed of that wea …
BlueMoon93's user avatar
  • 46.7k
6 votes
2 answers

Can the Mirror of Life Trapping force multiple saves?

The Mirror of Life Trapping can trap creatures in it. Any creature other than you that sees its reflection in the activated mirror while within 30 feet of it must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving t …
BlueMoon93's user avatar
  • 46.7k
2 votes
1 answer

Are creatures aware of the effect of Mirror of Life Trapping?

The Mirror of Life Trapping can trap creatures in it. Any creature other than you that sees its reflection in the activated mirror while within 30 feet of it must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving t …
BlueMoon93's user avatar
  • 46.7k
22 votes
1 answer

Can the Knight give infinite Leadership dice for 1 minute?

I got a Knight servant from a Deck of Many Things, and am looking at his Leadership ability. For 1 minute, the knight can utter a special command or warning whenever a nonhostile creature that it …
BlueMoon93's user avatar
  • 46.7k
25 votes
6 answers

What properties make a magic weapon befit a Rogue more than a DEX-based Fighter?

We have an Assassination Rogue and a Dual-Wielding Champion Fighter in our party, and we often divide our items trying to maximize party damage output. One pattern that we have noticed is that any wea …
BlueMoon93's user avatar
  • 46.7k
1 vote
3 answers

What would be the gold value of a Polymorph Blade?

We usually follow this homebrew guide for magical item prices, and my players have recently played through the Lost Laboratory of Kwalish adventure. In it, they obtained a cursed longsword, a Polymorp …
BlueMoon93's user avatar
  • 46.7k
7 votes

At what level are Spell Scrolls used?

You cast the spell at its lowest level. Scrolls are defined by the spell they contain. If they contain a 1st-level spell (like Magic Missile), then they are a Spell Scroll (level 1). From the DMG (pag …
BlueMoon93's user avatar
  • 46.7k
13 votes
3 answers

Does a Pearl of Power create new slots?

The Pearl of Power states You can use an action to speak its command word and regain one expended spell slot. If the expended slot was of 4th level or higher, the new slot is 3rd level. I'm a le …
BlueMoon93's user avatar
  • 46.7k
11 votes
1 answer

What are sources for Magic Items that are not adventure-specific?

As a DM, I like to award items to my players. These may not be in the module I'm currently running, so I often draw from the DMG. I recently found that XGtE also has a list of magical items (this show …
BlueMoon93's user avatar
  • 46.7k
1 vote
2 answers

How to make sense of the cost/value of a spellscroll? [closed]

Xanathar's Guide to Everything describes the gold obtained from selling a magic item. Rarity Base price* Common 100gp Unommon 400gp Rare 4,000gp Very rare 40,000gp Legendary 200,000gp …
BlueMoon93's user avatar
  • 46.7k
16 votes
1 answer

Why are armor bonuses considered to break Bounded Accuracy?

It seems to be a common opinion that enchanted armor and shields break the concept of Bounded Accuracy and eventually lead to imbalanced fights. I've seen people in RPG.SE saying this, and the popular …
BlueMoon93's user avatar
  • 46.7k
11 votes

Is there any magic item that increases Hit Points?

Since you're not maxed-out in Constitution... Easiest way is by increasing your Constitution. Some items that come to my mind are items like Amulet of Health which sets your CON score to 19. Setting o …
BlueMoon93's user avatar
  • 46.7k
11 votes

What should the rarity rating be for this homebrew Healing Brick?

Common. This item heals the same amount as a Healing Potion, another common consumable. It can be used at range It can also miss (especially with high AC allies) Plus, the range is only 20 feet or di …
BlueMoon93's user avatar
  • 46.7k

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