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For questions about balance or perceived inequities between characters, classes, subclasses, spells, etc. that should be of roughly equivalent capability with one another.

-3 votes

Are light hammers broken/underpowered, and would adding the finesse property fix this?

"Broken", at least as I have typically heard it, generally is used for things that are overpowered so that they crowd out the strategy space and there are no downsides or balancing counters. I would …
Kirt's user avatar
  • 54.6k
30 votes

How to make the battle against Tiamat last longer?

Deny the characters a melee If your characters are typical, the two barbarians and the paladin are built for melee. Facing them, Tiamat (Intelligence and Wisdom both 26) should absolutely avoid melee …
Kirt's user avatar
  • 54.6k
7 votes

A player always wants to recruit NPCs into the party. How do I handle this?

As stated by others, explain to him that this game will be a different experience from Skyrim - you think he will enjoy it, but that is for him to decide. In particular, he needs to understand that N …
Kirt's user avatar
  • 54.6k