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Questions tagged [vampire-the-dark-ages]

For questions about Vampire: The Dark Ages, a 1996 role-playing game published by White Wolf Game Studio, set in medieval times and derived from Vampire: The Masquerade.

20 votes
1 answer

Getting laid in the Dark Ages [closed]

In Dark Ages: Vampire only one method of hunting is provided: wander the streets, spot a villages, and attack him to steal his blood. There are no rules for seductive hunt. There may be two reasons ...
Flamma's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Cainites seeing, fire and Rötschreck

First of all, I don't have the book(s) on me atm, so my question may prove imprecise. Should it be so, I'll try and fix it asap. As far as I can remember, not all Cainites (vampires) have some kind ...
OpaCitiZen's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Of Lancing with a Motorcycle

Vampires can get scary old. In fact, in the society of the Camarilla, it is seen as somewhat noble to have been born before the age of industrialisation, and some of its leading cadre literally had ...
Trish's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

Restoring a Vampire to mortal life

I'm running a campaign in Dark Ages 2nd edition and I would like to know if there is any vampiric or mage power that can restore a vampire to mortal life. My chronicle is set in Transylvania in the ...
Renato David's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

Do vampires of clans other than Gangrel ever abandon a childe at embrace?

So I'm about to run a one-player Vampire: Dark Ages chronicle set in Poland. I want to have the player's character abandoned after embrace, as I want to keep the cast of characters small. Is clan ...
Jason Voorhees's user avatar
13 votes
6 answers

How do I avoid letting my players keep too many ghouls?

In my vampire campaign I want to limit the amount of ghouls my players keep, but without setting an arbitrary cap. Ideally I would like there to be some strategic trade-off in the question to ghoul or ...
SpacemanSpiff's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

How can I entice my tactical players to embrace cinematic combat?

I have a group of players that come from a hack and slash background playing a Dark Ages Vampire game for the first time. They've come quite a way over the last several sessions, but I still get a ...
Gavin42's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Can a Sire be blood bound to his child?

I remember that the most important exception in Blood Bond relationship is that Sires cannot be bound to their childer. I have in mind that some Elders create childer only to feed from them, because ...
Flamma's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

What kills a vampire?

I'm looking to find a definite list of distinct conditions that can result in Final Death for a vampire. I have managed to get a list of most obvious ways, but some of them seem to be house rules and ...
eimyr's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

How long does it take to learn Thaumaturgy/Necromancy rituals?

I found in Rites of the Blood on pg.136 that rituals can be learned for free for Tremere/Giovanni/Other as long a teacher is available + other resources (those are not a problem) but it takes time. I ...
user27982's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Can a vampire learn a (innate) discipline from a ghoul?

I'm playing a Vampire the Masquerade dark ages game. My character, a nosferatu, has (for character specific reasons) never learned the Animalism discipline. Her ghoul however did learn it from another ...
Obfuscate-is-OP-anyway's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

What's Dread Gaze range in Vampire?

Last session in a Dark Ages game I wanted to scare a hunter with my dread gaze (Presence level 2). But the Storyteller told me that I wasn't close enough. We were in a quite big room, but he told me ...
Flamma's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Where do I find the rules concerning my Ghouls evolution?

I am a vampire player and currently own a ghoul. I would like to evolve my ghoul but I can't find the rules concerning her evolution(XP). I saw that she could have more discipline, and that we could ...
Dreamzsoc's user avatar
  • 111
10 votes
2 answers

How Many of Which Supernaturals were/are Present During Different Eras? [duplicate]

I know (as per canon) there is 1 Vampire for every 100,000 humans in the Modern Nights, but canonical numbers for other supernatural races are not apparently listed. Also, I don't know what the ...
FluxIX's user avatar
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9 votes
8 answers

Should armor have invulnerability to some objects in Vampire: the Masquerade?

I am currently working on my first Dark Ages: Vampire game, set in the old Vampire: the Masquerade setting. The armor rules get me so frustrated. How can you hurt your opponent and give him lethal ...
DarkTeutonic's user avatar

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