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Questions tagged [song-of-ice-and-fire-rpg]

For questions about A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying, an RPG based on the novel series of the same name. It takes place in the time following the beginning of Robert Baratheon's rule, and features a custom system by Green Ronin Publishing.

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Do weapon-based qualities always have to be used with the weapon that triggers them?

There are several qualities in the game that relate to specific weapon categories, most notably the "[weapon category] Fighter I-III" line. Some of these are pretty clear in that their ...
Pahlavan's user avatar
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Armor penalty in song of ice and fire

I can't seem to find the effects of the armor penalty in the book. Can anyone tell me what the armor penalty penalizes?
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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Does Flaw (Endurance) reduce health?

So I understand that flaw gives you a -1D on all tests involving your chosen ability. And I hope I understand that it also affects passive results. Let's say you have Endurance 3 and Flaw (Endurance)...
Melba's user avatar
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Why does the Myrish Crossbow have the Fast Quality?

Q: Why do some ranged weapons have these qualities if the text about the "Divided Attack" indicates that it can only be made with the Fight Ability? The Myrish Crossbow (Table 9-3: Weapons; P 157) ...
Melba's user avatar
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Do advanced actions count towards the attack limit?

Q: Do all advanced actions (P173-174; Core Rulebook) count as an attack considering the limit of 1 attack per round per character? I had a long discussion with my group about whether or not actions ...
Melba's user avatar
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Where do I put my commanders?

I am unsure where to put the commanders on the battlegrid. Do I place them inside a unit, or are they a unit of their own? My problem with this is, like in the Total War games, that the best way to ...
Melba's user avatar
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Sleight of hand attack

One of my PCs is some cross between a jester and street magician. This means he is really good at sleight of hand. The other day he had the idea that under the convenient circumstances he could use ...
rom's user avatar
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Reliable source regarding life just after Aegon's conquest [closed]

I am planning to run my game of thrones game right after Aegon has conquered Westeros. Are there any lore guides regarding the situation during that time?
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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If all PCs are sworn swords should I set everyone's status or allow them to roll?

I want to run a game where my players will be playing as the sworn swords of an incompetent lord who has been given the control of a destroyed province. Should I just set everyone's status to 3, ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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Is there a point to having more than one domain?

My group was using the rules to create our own house which includes determining Land Holdings. In the example given they state that it is unwise to invest all your points into a single domain. ...
Sdjz's user avatar
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How do I balance ASoIaF's theme and tone with fun for my April Fools'-themed session? [closed]

I am currently the GM of an A Song Of Ice And Fire RPG game for a small group of old classmates. As we do neither have a set schedule nor meet very often, (once every couple of months or so) I spend a ...
Arizan's user avatar
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18 votes
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How do I deal with OP super-soldiers in my Game of Thrones campaign?

I am GM'ing an A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying campaign for a handful of friends, and though my group appears to have fun most of the time, the sessions have become more or less the same: the group ...
Arizan's user avatar
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What published adventures are officially set in Westeros? [closed]

I'm looking adventures set in Westeros. I know there are at least two role-playing games set in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire: A Game of Thrones by Guardians of Order and A Song of Ice and Fire ...
Thamiar's user avatar
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Can you target multiple opponents in an Intrigue?

When running an intrigue if there are 3 or more participants, could one person affect multiple people with a single roll if he addressed his remark to both of them?
Ringo_St R's user avatar
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Is there a way of keeping Song of Ice and Fire Intrigue encounters from feeling too "Gamey"?

Whenever I run social encounters beyond simple intrigues in Song of Ice and Fire I either feel like I've abandoned the rules all together or the running step by step nature makes the exchange feel ...
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