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How to make a session that doesn't have combat, NPC's or dialog? [closed]

My group will be heading into a strange, alien wilderness that will have no NPC's, no dialog and no combat. Without the back and forth or dialogue, meeting new characters, etc. I'm having trouble ...
DeeCeptor's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How does a low Strength stat translate into the narrative?

I'm having trouble with something. In a ADnD 2e campaign how should a low Strength translate into the narrative/roleplay of the campaign? It's easy to figure out how high Strength would work when ...
Demon's user avatar
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3 answers

How to deal with tension created between characters after role-play session?

I am the DM for a long running game, we are going on 2 years, and while there was a rough start and a few changed characters, we have been in a good place. There was a Tiefling Barbarian (original), ...
Jake's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

As a DM, how can I ensure that everyone feels involved when only a single player is driving the story?

I've ran into a bit of a dilemma with a 5e campaign that's soon coming to a close. It's been running for about a year, and one of the primary goals that I had when I started the campaign was to focus ...
Andrendire's user avatar
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How do I as a player encourage the DM to add better drama?

My DM is running the Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage campaign, which is notoriously catering to murder-hoboism. We have currently went from level 1 to level 9 over 12 weeks. This quickly went off ...
tuskiomi's user avatar
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How can I convince my players that this evil character is good for the duration of the campaign until the big reveal?

There is an NPC that I want to introduce soon, but I don’t want the PCs to be suspicious of her until a later big reveal that she is a major villain. The NPC My game has a woman who is a noblewoman. ...
Sora Tamashii's user avatar
47 votes
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As DM, how do I deal with PCs that expect everything in the game to be relevant to the story?

I've started DMing a new group. We've only had two short, 2hour sessions, and most players are new to DnD. I've been a DM before (though just a dozen or so sessions) but in those cases it was with a ...
Joren Vaes's user avatar
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How to teach gamers to roleplay [closed]

My question really boils down to: How do I deal with pc-gamers who want to play my game as if it were a computer game? I ran a game with several gamer friends, who were more or less new to the ...
Osthekake's user avatar
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1 answer

The first story arc got too high powered, too fast. Help! [closed]

I apologize in advance for the length of this post, but things are complicated! We just finished playing a 3 year long, evil PCs, highly detail oriented, deeply immersive roleplay style game. As the ...
Callista Daring's user avatar
11 votes
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Building Story as a Player

I would like to know how to help a new GM build story as a player. History I am playing a campaign with some friends and our GM is a new GM and we have been playing for about a month now. He has ...
Kasuko's user avatar
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How do I retrain myself to see characters as people and not systems?

Background Some of my previous questions (see What should I do when other players refuse to engage with my character's flaw? and Excessively clever characters vs. narrativist RP?) have alluded to ...
Shalvenay's user avatar
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What would it take for Pelor to abandon a paladin?

I am specifically running a D&D 4e game and am tossing around story ideas to incorporate an old character of mine as a guest star. A brief history of the character is that he is a dwarf who ...
MC_Hambone's user avatar
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9 answers

How to add a player who joined after the campaign started?

I started running a game, and then a friend of mine expressed interest in playing, so I invited him to join us. He created a character and came along to the next session. As the rest of the party was ...
user2474's user avatar
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40 votes
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How do I get better at narrating/storytelling as a GM?

Personally, I've always had difficulty telling coherent stories, even from my own experiences. My wife has even coined a term (jokingly) for the type of story I tell, one that either makes no sense, ...
dpatchery's user avatar
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