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Questions tagged [ranger]

For questions about the ranger, a class or archetype appearing in a number of different RPGs that has both martial prowess and skills in the wilderness. Rangers may have an animal companion, depending on the game system.

13 votes
4 answers

Is the alignment conflict in the Ranger/Druid multiclass combination evidence of an error?

In 2nd Edition D&D, it mentions in the Player's Handbook that Half-Elves can multiclass as Ranger/Druid. This is a contradiction with the alignment rules, stating that a Ranger must be Good and a ...
Southpaw Hare's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How do beastmasters' companions work?

I am playing D&D for the first time, and working on being a GM at that. We had our first session today, and it was very fun and went very well. However, one of my players chose a beastmaster, and ...
andrew's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Do rangers effectively have Two Weapon Fighting and Ambidexterity?

Can a Ranger in medium or light armor fight as if she had the Ambidexterity and Two Weapon Fighting feats?
Ina Lola's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Do Warlord powers which affect an attack apply both attacks of Twin Strike?

There is a warlord with Resourceful Presence in a 4e D&D game I'm DM'ing. Resourceful Presence says: Ally who sees you and spends an action point to attack gets damage bonus (1/2 level + Int ...
Lechlerfan's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Can the ranger choose powers from the scout or hunter list?

I would like to create a ranger with some Scout or Hunter powers, but I don't know if it's possible. Furthermore, when reading the Scout description, at first level I find a column with the class ...
carl's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

About to start first campaign. Question re: Treantmonk's Guide to Rangers

I decided to select the Ranger class for my first campaign. I used Treantmonk's Guide to Rangers (switch hitter) for my first build. I added Beastmaster and Skirmisher to supplement my expected play ...
Jaxaeon's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

A Ranger build that is close to Tier 3 classes

As the title suggests, I am looking for a Ranger dual wielder build that can compete with Tier 3 classes. Our party is quite imbalanced as it is composed of a Druid, a Wizard, a Dread Necro, a ...
Khaal's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Does a scout get the bonus from aspect of the lurking spider on both attacks?

The scout stance "Aspect of the Lurking Spider" gives a +2 damage bonus when you have combat advantage. While you have combat advantage against an enemy, you gain a +2 power bonus to damage rolls ...
wax eagle's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Is there a feat for melee characters equivalent to Dual Implement Spellcaster in D&D 4e?

Dual Implement Spellcaster lets you add the bonus from an off-hand implement to an attack using your main hand implement. I am making a Human Marauder Ranger and I would love to be able to add an off-...
Murphy's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How many times can a stormwarden's Blade Storm trigger?

Stormwarden: Blade Storm (11th level): As long as you are armed with a melee weapon and are capable of making an opportunity attack, one adjacent enemy (your choice) takes damage equal to your ...
Brian Ballsun-Stanton's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How Do You Calculate the Average Damage for Twin Strike?

I'm looking for a formula that can calculate the average damage of a power. Specifically, the Ranger at-will power Twin Strike. This is a bit more complicated, since it's two attacks. Furthermore, ...
Raul's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Do items like the Iron Armbands of Power modify the damage a Beastmaster Ranger's Animal Companion outputs on a Melee Basic Attack?

Given a Beastmaster ranger (or multiclass feat which grants an animal companion) and, for the sake of argument, a cat companion. Does a character's personal equipment which effects all melee attacks (...
Brian Ballsun-Stanton's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How can I mitigate the power of Spitting Cobra Stance?

The Ranger has an encounter power called Spitting Cobra Stance that seems grossly over-powered—in one group I play in, the Ranger will enter Spitting Cobra Stance at the beginning of combat, and ...
TML's user avatar
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