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Questions tagged [pricing]

For questions related to determining the value or cost of a good or service in-game.

62 votes
2 answers

How much should NPCs charge for spells cast as services to PCs?

As the title suggests, I need to know how to compute the appropriate cost for spells that NPCs provide as services (components included) to the party. My search has come up with the following: ...
adonies's user avatar
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45 votes
5 answers

Do magic items really cost at least as much to create as they do to purchase?

The table on page 129 of the DMG lists the costs to craft an item. Taking as an example a Common magic items, such as a level 1 spell scroll, the cost is listed as 100 gp. The crafter can only make ...
PurpleVermont's user avatar
31 votes
5 answers

What makes a spellcasting component worth x gp?

Let's just pick on identify as a concrete example, but this applies to any spell with a material component with a cost. So identify requires a pearl worth 100gp. What makes a pearl worth 100gp? Is it ...
NathanS's user avatar
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37 votes
9 answers

How much should a "button of Cure Light Wounds" cost (should it be available at all?)

My fellow players would like to have a command-word or use-activated "button" of Cure Light Wounds at will, i.e. unlimited uses/day. How much should this cost (if it should be available at all?) ...
Li-aung Yip's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Confusion about magic weapon pricing

So, a friend of mine is trying his hand at GMing and is planning out a campaign that will start us out at level 5 with a 5000gp starting budget. My Elven Swashbuckler will be bringing along a +1 Keen ...
Cobalt's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Are partially charged wands generally purchasable?

In the D&D 3.5 DMG rules are given for the pricing of partially charged wands, which one may explicitly purchase during character creation or sell during play. So long as the wand's final ...
Please stop being evil's user avatar
32 votes
4 answers

What is a reasonable player cost for Manor rebuilding?

At some point during the introductory adventure Lost Mine of Phandelver, the PC's are capable of liberating a manor. My question is, what is a proper price to charge the party as a cost to rebuild ...
Airatome's user avatar
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32 votes
6 answers

How big is a 5000 gp diamond? [duplicate]

I play a teleportation and extra dimensional sorcerer in my group and I'm getting close to obtaining the spell Gate which requires "a diamond worth at least 5,000 gp". How big would a ...
Admiral-Nelson's user avatar
31 votes
6 answers

What is the most expensive material in the world that could be used to create Pun-Pun's lute?

I want to create a magic item that would be basically a lute left by the almighty Pun-Pun. I highly doubt that he would lower his standards to use pitiful materials like adamantium or platinum. I am ...
Momonga-sama's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

Are there price lists for magic items, such as the Bag of Holding?

We are playing Hoard of the Dragon Queen. My PC's are only at level 3. They stumbled into a magic shop and asked for a Bag of Holding. I made the asker roll to beat a 15 and if he did I said that ...
Night Owl's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

Is there a good way to determine the value of magic items in 5e?

In 5e, magic items aren't as common or as varied as in older editions, but that also means it is hard to place prices on them. As DM, NPC's can't really sell a magic item because we don't know the ...
Tobias Fizzlewig's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

What is the monetary worth of a captured spellbook? [closed]

In my last game, the players defeated two wizards, and captured their spellbooks. The party wizard crowdsourced gold from the other players and copied the spells he wanted onto his own spellbook. Now, ...
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How much does Plate Armor of Gleaming cost? [duplicate]

I know that 5e magic items are supposed to be very rare and not for sale, yet both the DMG and XGtE list magic item prices based on rarity. We're going to be doing a series of one-shots with the same ...
DonFusili's user avatar
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42 votes
2 answers

What does it cost to buy a tavern?

Suppose an adventurer retires and wants to buy a tavern. Is there an official gold piece figure in D&D 5e for how much it would cost to buy a tavern or similar property in a town or city? If not, ...
Quadratic Wizard's user avatar
30 votes
2 answers

Are listed gem values the buy or sell price?

Is the value listed for a gem its buying price, selling price, or something else? Gems are listed with a value in the DM Guide as treasure. In this context, it would imply the gem could be sold for ...
Tim Grant's user avatar
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