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Questions tagged [occult-magic]

For questions about the special abilities available through the use of “occult magic,” such as in Pathfinder.

4 votes
2 answers

Are Psychics arcane casters? Can they prestige into Dragon Disciples and do they suffer Spell Failure?

Nowhere on the Psychic section does it state that Psychics are arcane or divine casters. As such, it's not clear if they suffer spell failure, let alone whether or not they can prestige into Dragon ...
Axoren's user avatar
  • 11.5k
3 votes
1 answer

Can a kineticist voluntarily dismiss their kinetic covers?

Kinetic Cover allows the kineticist to create a small wall. Using the ability is a standard action. The ability description tells the maximum number of kinetic covers that can be created at once. The ...
Tommi's user avatar
  • 10.3k
2 votes
2 answers

Do attacks of opportunity count as attack actions for the wording of Kinetic Blade?

The wording of Kinetic Blade is as follows: You form a weapon using your kinetic abilities. You create a nonreach, light or one-handed weapon in your hand formed of pure energy or elemental matter. (...
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