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Questions tagged [negative-energy]

The concept of negative or necrotic energy, the source of death, undead and annihilation associated with the negative plane, opposed to positive energy, pure live-giving energy, normally associated with the positive plane that is is the source of all life.

6 votes
2 answers

How does negative energy interact with shadow dragons?

I'm going to be running a shadow dragon in a game soon and after reading this question, Are negative levels necessarily energy drain? I became confused about how negative levels and negative energy ...
Sonkuragari's user avatar
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How can I heal myself as a Skeleton Barbarian?

Skeletons have negative healing, which can cause problems. Only very few spells can provide healing during encounters. Especially in Pathfinder Society, where each time you play with different people, ...
András's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to add negative healing to a character temporarily?

Beside Undeath's Blessing, is there a way to add temporary negative healing to a character? A potion or a divine spell would be best, but any solution is welcome.
András's user avatar
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Do negative energy attacks heal undead?

The answer has the implication many incorporeal undeads could heal themselves without limit, as some have attacks that cause negative energy, like: the banshee or the wraith. A PC could easily abuse ...
Balacertar's user avatar
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3 votes
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Dhampir and Lifelink

The Dhampir race has a negative energy affinity, which means negative energy heals them and positive hurts them, as if they were undead. The Life-Link ability from shamans and oracles states that it ...
Erudaki's user avatar
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how to present and use the metamagic spell component 'trapped voidstone'?

for a special occasion I am planning to donate the players some spells with metamagic spell components as described here. one of the spells concerned will be the Disintegrate spell empowered with the ...
mtijn's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is negative energy inherently evil?

It has been established that using spells with the [evil] descriptor are evil acts (duh), and raising/using undead is evil (understandable). My question is, does using negative energy in any form ...
Connor Clarke's user avatar
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Can a Vitalist with a mixed party (undead and living) transfer negative/positive energy from harming his allies into healing for the others?

As the title asks, can a vitalist through collective healing transfer negative energy being used against the living members of his collective instead redirect that energy to heal undead members? ...
Lorien's user avatar
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4 votes
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Are positive and negative energy from their respective planes inherently good and evil?

Are positive and negative energy from their respective planes inherently good and evil? I am talking about the positive energy plane and negative energy plane from the great wheel model, which ...
Ej Sizemore's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

Is negative energy (or channeling it) necessarily evil?

I'm building a Lawful Neutral cleric of Abadar, and picture her channeling negative energy as "Abadar's rebuke of the unjust". In my case, she'll use the Rulership variant channeling rules, cutting ...
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