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Questions tagged [merits]

For questions specifically about merits in role-playing games. In World of Darkness RPGs, merits are typically character abilities that provide small bonuses in specific circumstances. Some game systems use a point- or dot-based system to represent these merits.

16 votes
1 answer

Can I create a Demon Dating service by granting mortals the True Friend merit?

I had an idea for a Demon: the Descent character who runs an online dating/matchmaking service. The idea would be that the exchange agreed in the pact/Terms of Service would grant the mortal the True ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How do item based merits work after character creation?

I understand that you can use your starting merit dots to buy an item like an artifact or imbued item in Mage the Awakening, but what about afterwards? Would I have to pay experiences if I were to ...
Dynafae's user avatar
  • 93
8 votes
2 answers

Are merits unique to the splat they are provided in?

I am aware that some merits are by their nature tied to their splats, examples of this would be merits such as 'Prestigious Sire' and 'Avatar companion' but merits such as 'Concentration' that reads ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
  • 21.7k
7 votes
1 answer

Can I start with multiple dots in a merit?

I'm fairly certain starting merits aren't bought sequentially: Merit dots must be purchased sequentially with experience points. You have to buy • and then •• before your character can have ••• or ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Are slasher merits a good investment for a combat focused nWoD Hunter?

I'm making a Cheiron Group Hunter for a Hunter the Vigil game. I'm set on playing my character as similar to the Operative, from Serenity, but with a darker outlook. He will see him self as damned, ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Can secret room affect spaces acquired by merits?

Secret room is on page 178 of the new edition of Mage the Awakening, and stated it can increase the space of a room: the subject space’s volume is increased or decreased a number of steps along ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar