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5 votes
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What is the rarity for an item that allows a reroll once per day?

I had an idea for a homebrew magic item - at least, I think it's homebrew as I can't find anything similar online; but I was sure the Critical Role crew have something similar... Stone of Luck Once ...
Chowlett's user avatar
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Does this homebrew way of delivering poisons have unforeseen consequences?

I am running a homebrew tier 3 adventure in which the players will eventually encounter vampires. I'd like to introduce an item that will be particularly effective against vampires and vampire spawn, ...
1600hp's user avatar
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Is this Monk’s Robe magic item conversion balanced in 5e?

In Pathfinder, there is a magic item called the Monk’s Robe. I like the idea, and have tried to convert it to D&D 5e, but I don’t know if my conversion is balanced. My conversion of the item is ...
Luke Sommers's user avatar
4 votes
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What is the rarity of this homebrew magic item, Wytchfire Crystal Orb?

The magic item functions as a Driftglobe with the following additional properties: Requires attunement by a spell caster As a bonus action on your turn, you can speak another command word and move ...
Unaligned Ooze's user avatar
7 votes
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Is this homebrew item, Necklace of Nine Lives, balanced?

I originally got part of this idea from the chat from user GcL then fleshed it out a bit and created it as a magic item. I'm not sure if it's balanced though against other Legendary items as it could ...
Himitsu_no_Yami's user avatar
4 votes
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What should be the rarity of this Homebrew Critical Chance Item?

Several classes have access to features that improve the likelihood of rolling a Critical Hit, such as the Improved Critical feature of the Champion Fighter. All of these abilities, however, are ...
Andrendire's user avatar
2 votes
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Would this bow of Karma be considered well balanced?

I wanted to make a bow that embodies the idea of Karma: Not only the concept that one's actions can come back to bite them, but also that good actions tend to give small returns while evil actions (to ...
Victor B's user avatar
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Homebrewing a 2-way Bag of Holding: price & balance [duplicate]

Our DM has decided that it only makes sense for a two-way Bag of Holding to exist in our world. Background: Our characters own a small shipping company that frequently makes its profits by selling ...
Erin B's user avatar
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Is this homebrew Druid's Staff of Thorns appropriate for a level 3 Druid?

I'm new to D&D and have been running the Dragon of Icespire Peak adventure for my wife. She is playing a Druid and I'm playing a DMPC Barbarian. I wanted to make a staff for her so she can keep a ...
Freerk92's user avatar
9 votes
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Which rarity level is appropriate for this nerfed Scimitar of Speed with no bonus to attack and damage rolls?

The original Scimitar of Speed is among the Magic Weapons listed in the DMG: Scimitar of Speed requires attunement, very rare You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic ...
Mars Plastic's user avatar
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Are these new Instruments of the Bards balanced?

I've decided to homebrew some more Instruments of the Bards, representing a few instruments that are not currently included. The only main thing that's different between each one are the unique spells,...
NathanS's user avatar
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Is a magic item that treats spells of one school of magic as if upcast one level higher overpowered?

I'm toying with the idea of giving a player a magic rod. This rod would allow him to treat all Necromancy spells as if upcast one level higher than the spell slot expended while the rod is held, if ...
Behacad's user avatar
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Is this homebrew "Faerie Fire Grenade" unbalanced?

I am playing a druid in my friend's Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign. He is allowing me to do some things with exotic plants that I found in the wilds. One of those plants was one that shed a yellow ...
Makrau's user avatar
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Are the following anti-magical items balanced?

All the following items are part of one big ritual that disrupts magic for an entire world. I want each of the items by themselves to be a item of less power, but fitting to the theme of anti-magical, ...
findusl's user avatar
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Are these magic items too strong for level 3-4 characters?

I'm running my first ever campaign. The party of 4 are trying to unite a valley community (a kobold tribe, a human village, and a dwarven expedition) together against the incoming orc invasion. If ...
Matteo Devi's user avatar

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