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4 votes
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Is this homebrew magic item, the Necklace of Peer Pressure, balanced?

The intent of this item is to provide a version of the spell Suggestion that is stronger than the base spell but not as powerful as Mass Suggestion. The party members who would receive this item will ...
A Random Guy's user avatar
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Is the rarity of this homebrew Haunted Staff appropriate?

I'd appreciate an assessment of whether this homebrew staff is rated appropriately. Haunted Staff Staff, rare (requires attunement) A face is carved near the top of the staff, and every time you look ...
JamesB's user avatar
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What rarity should this homebrew scimitar fused to a wand of the war mage be?

I made a weapon in D&D 5e: A silver-plated scimitar that has a +2 wand of the war mage fused along the back of the blade, and an Arcane Focus crystal embedded in the hilt. I also placed a ...
Evoker of Mulmaster's user avatar
2 votes
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Pathfinder warbow concept review - redux

This is a revisit of the warbow initially described in this question. Consideration was given to all answers, and combined/adapted for the below. Primarily, some of the spell storing abilities were ...
JohnP's user avatar
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Pathfinder warbow concept review

This is a review request for a warbow, intended for the Pathfinder system. The purpose behind the creation of this particular item was to allow the player to quest for a magic item that was not ...
JohnP's user avatar
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6 votes
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Is this homebrew magical Cape of Defense balanced?

This is basically a dialed down version of the Bracers of Defense: Cape of Defense Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) While wearing this cape, you gain a +1 bonus to AC if you are wearing ...
Jorge Córdoba's user avatar
0 votes
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Is this homebrew equipment, Amulet of Honour, balanced?

In a campaign that I am running, one player is a Cleric with the War Domain. I made a special quest for him that is given to him by his god. If completes the quest he will receive an amulet. I am ...
RomainL.'s user avatar
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How much gold is this DM-created Mask of Three Faces magic item worth?

Here's the DM-created magic item in question: Mask of Three Faces When worn, the mask attaches to the wearer's face and cannot be removed by normal means. At next sundown, the mask falls off. At each ...
JoshuaD's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Is this homebrew arcane communication device abusable?

My group will be performing some undercover scouting in restricted territory that will limit participants to just a few members of the group. I don't want to force a complete party split, however, so ...
THadron's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is this Sentient Vine Cloak magic item balanced?

I've got a level 8 halfling Circle of the Moon Druid who really enjoys using quirky Wild Shapes at every opportunity she can get. I want to encourage the creative beast choices during combat, and give ...
THadron's user avatar
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What rarity should this homebrew Cloak of the Giant Guard item be?

Cloak of the Giant Guard (Wondrous item, requires attunement) When worn, this cloak gives a +1 to AC against any creature making a melee attack against you with advantage who is not the creature you ...
lost causes's user avatar
6 votes
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What is the rarity of this homebrew magic staff, "Blackthorn"?

I’m working on a magic staff based on lore of the Hawthorn Tree. The staff has 3 properties which the users controls through the staff’s thorny hand. Effectively, the user can use charges to: ...
Unaligned Ooze's user avatar
10 votes
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How can I improve this homebrew magic item so that it remains balanced across a wide range of levels?

I am considering the following homebrew magic item for my campaign: Ring, rare (requires attunement) While attuned to this ring, when you cast a cantrip that targets a single creature (but does not ...
Avilyn's user avatar
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32 votes
4 answers

Can my players abuse this homebrew Blade of the Thirst magic item?

I am designing a homebrew magic item. I think I have it balanced but need to know if there are any loopholes I have not seen. Blade of the thirst, magical longsword, requires attunement, versatile, ...
Skeith's user avatar
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12 votes
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What should the rarity rating be for this homebrew Healing Brick?

I read about this item on reddit (with a different name) a while ago and planned to implement this in my campaign, but I'm unsure what its rarity should be. Healing Brick As an action, make ...
Vylix's user avatar
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What is the rarity of my homebrew melee weapon that banishes on critical hits?

I want to make a melee weapon that, if you score a critical hit, casts banishment on the target. I don't mind it being of a high rarity, but I don't want it to be broken. I wasn't planning on making ...
NathanS's user avatar
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7 votes
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What is the rarity of my homebrew shortbow?

I want to create a custom magic item - a shortbow in particular. I want it to have a illusion theme but also a psychic damage theme, so here's what I've come up with. It will require attunement; it ...
NathanS's user avatar
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3 votes
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Is this homebrew magic item balanced for a level 5 party?

I made a weapon to give to my party at level 5. Is this overpowered to give (one) to a level 5 party of 4 characters? The Halting Rod Uncommon (unique), 2 lbs. 2d4 force damage ...
qazwsx's user avatar
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Pricing a homebrew magical item allowing the use of a random spell

Most of my players are magic users, so I created a homebrew wondrous magic item that I hope they will find slightly useful and mostly enjoyable for many game sessions to come (they are mostly level 6 ...
mtijn's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

Is this Onyx Spear homebrew magic weapon overpowered for a low-level (3-5) character?

I'm building a unique weapon that can be looted off a boss creature in a very early portion of my campaign (expected for characters level 3-5), and I want to ensure that I can fairly hand it out to ...
Xirema's user avatar
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What damage values are appropriate to complement the given effects? [closed]

I have developed a homebrew magic item designed to give more choices to a ranged weapon user so that it isn't just attack rolls every round. I think I have a good solution, but I'm inexperienced with ...
Blake Steel's user avatar
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Does this "Memory Orb" cause any game-breaking problems?

I have created this item as a way to discover lore and history in a unique way for my campaign. Memory Orb Wondrous Item, Rare When a spell is cast into this 10-inch diameter, semi-transparent, ...
Youjay's user avatar
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8 votes
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Is the rarity of this homebrew item appropriate?

For an upcoming home game, I came up with the following item and am wondering if the rarity is right. Time-Forgotten Sands Wondrous item, very rare A pinch of these dull-grey sands ...
JP Chapleau's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Is this "Elven Thrower" magic dagger balanced?

Based on the Dwarven Thrower, this homebrew magic weapon is essentially an elven dagger with the similar returning feature. The exact specifics: Elven Thrower Weapon (dagger), rare (requires ...
Youjay's user avatar
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17 votes
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Is this homebrew sword of wind control based on "Grasscutter" overpowered?

I'm not the best when it comes to homebrewing magical weapons but I really want this to be in 5e. There is a sword from japanese mythology called Ame-no-urakumo-no-Tsurugi (天叢雲剣, "Sword of Gathering ...
Youjay's user avatar
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6 votes
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How much should this homebrew ioun stone cost?

I want one of my NPCs to have a custom Ioun stone: Ioun stone, dark galena Aura moderate evocation; CL 12th Slot none; Weight —. With a command word, the user may activate or de-activate the fast-...
Anne Aunyme's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Is a homebrew item which gives disadvantage to all targets of spell once per day balanced?

Long story short, I was the DM running my adventure when one of the players asked if he could DM for a few session. In the last session, the level 6 party acquired a few magic items, one of them ...
Manner's user avatar
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Is this homebrewed Magical Mandolin unbalanced?

I have created this D&D 5e item for a player's Bard character in my new campaign, but I'm not sure if this could be abused or is simply over- or underpowered. This is a brand new campaign with a ...
Youjay's user avatar
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9 votes
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Is this proposed Brutal Destroyer magic weapon balanced against the Holy Avenger?

In a game I'm involved in, we've been offered the opportunity to request certain magic items that we'd like to encounter, including custom items. Taking the offer, I'm interested in something along ...
Pyrotechnical's user avatar
3 votes
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Creating custom magic item: Teleporting Tea Ball

I am playing a silly little old lady Druid in my upcoming campaign (D&D 3.5). I want her to specialize in poisons. My DM has let me create a list of minor poisons herbs that I can use. What I ...
Carinna's user avatar
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