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Questions tagged [half-elf]

For questions about the half-elf, a fictional race found in many fantasy settings. Half-Elves are typically the descendants of both humans and elves. They are frequently depicted as a hybrid of elves and humans in many ways, from their build to their age. Often, they are seen as outsiders by both elves and humans.

13 votes
1 answer

Are half-elves and half-orcs sterile, or can they interbreed with each other(their respective race) like normal races?

I see that humans can interbreed with either orcs or elves in addition to humans, and the offspring is either a half-elf or half-orc. I realized though, that this offspring is very much like a mule, a ...
TieflingDragon84's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Would this character be overpowered? If so, how could I balance him? [closed]

The character is a half-elf (a Fey Wanderer ranger) by physical standards, using half-elf bonuses and all proficiencies except language. (he can speak Common and Draconic) (TL,DR: dragon egg sold to ...
localplaguedoctor's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

What variants/alternative options are there for half-elves?

The 3.5e half-elf is underpowered; even WotC admits it. The issue is, I want the Mark of Storm, which is exclusive to the half-elven d’Lyrandar family, one of Eberron’s Dragonmarked Houses. The Least ...
KRyan's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

After a Mark of Detection half-elf casts a spell using the Magical Detection trait, can they cast the trait's other spells before taking a long rest?

The Variant Half-Elf: Mark of Detection, from Eberron: Rising from the Last War p. 40, replaces the PHB half-elf's Skill Versatility trait with several new traits, one of which is the Magical ...
Makrau's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Mixed race from half-elf and half-dwarf

I'm creating a character and looking for help on how to go about applying racial traits. My character's father is half human, half dwarf and her mother is half-elf. I've only been playing for maybe ...
mike russell's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Are Half-Elves supposed to have a slender build like Elves, or are they supposed to have a build that's intermediate between Humans and Elves?

The Player's Handbook's weight descriptions for Half-Elves are inconsistent. The Half-Elf section in Chapter 2 (pg. 38) says: They range from under 5 feet to about 6 feet tall, and from 100 to 180 ...
gto's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Is half-orc and half-elf a possiblity?

I'm involved in a home brew where my DM has allowed me to play as a combination of half-orc and half-elf. My character has the stats of a half-orc that simply has a slightly increased lifespan and ...
CasperUncaged's user avatar
27 votes
3 answers

Is the offspring of an elf and a half-elf an elf or a half-elf?

If an elf and a half-elf (let's assume the elf and the half-elf's elven parent are of the same subrace, to exclude that complication) were to have a child, would the child be an elf or a half-elf? I ...
NathanS's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Is there any major mechanical advantage to playing a Drow Elf (full) rather than a Drow Half-Elf?

Looking at racial features, half-elf Drow seem to have all the "best" features of full drow, with none of the downsides. Past the "Drow Weapon Training" trait, is there any major benefit to playing ...
Jeffrey Witty's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What does an Aquatic Half-Elf Variant mean?

Though I know this has been addressed somewhat here, here, and here, I am still getting a little confused on what changes come to half-elf variants when it comes to looks, ability differences, and ...
Victor B's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

How to use skill versatility? [closed]

I'm new to D&D and am making my first character. As she is a half-elf bard, I'm given 'skill versatility, which gives proficiency in any two skills. Where and when does this get added and how is ...
Sugu's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Are half-elves of Birthright immortal?

In Birthright, elves are immortal, like stated in Rulebook, page 7: Cerilian elves are creatures of faerie dust and starlight, gifted with immortality and powers of mind and body beyond those of ...
Lucas's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How many proficiencies and languages does a noble half-elf Knowledge Domain cleric start with?

I'm starting a new character sheet for a noble half-elf cleric (Knowledge Domain), and I'm just wondering about proficiencies and languages. How many things would I be proficient in, and how many ...
WeepingWysteria's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Do all Half-Elf subraces forgo the Skill Versatility feature?

On D&D Beyond, the Half-Elf page has this structure, and roughly the following content: Half-Elf variants (saying that some variants forego Skill Versatility) Half-Elf traits (showing all ...
Olivier Grégoire's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Does the race of half-elves on Khorvaire in Eberron have its own name?

In Eberron, specifically on the continent of Khorvaire, the half-elves have lived on the continent for centuries, to the extent that the majority of half-elves are descended from half-elven parents, ...
Quadratic Wizard's user avatar

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