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Questions tagged [gurps]

GURPS is the Generic Universal Role Playing System from Steve Jackson Games.

22 votes
7 answers

How to make GURPS combat fast?

The GURPS combat system can be really painful, especially if you use some optional rules. Two-players-vs.-two-NPC combat can easily take more than half an hour. Are there some tips, rules to players, ...
boucekv's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Magic college default skill in GURPS

Is there a way in GURPS to create a mage with a default level of skill in a specific magical college? I'm imagining something like an earth wizard who can attempt any earth college spell at a -3 ...
philosophyguy's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Near future in GURPS

I am gearing up to run a small GURPS campaign. Technologically, the game is set in the near future. I would like a book detailing weapons, medicine, transportation, etc. It's certainly possible to ...
user1637's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Is GURPS Dungeon Fantasy compatible with Banestorm?

I am about to have my friends adventure in a "generic" dungeon, using GURPS Dungeon Fantasy supplements. I know but a little about Banestorm setting, the "default" fantasy setting for GURPS. In case ...
DaG's user avatar
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12 votes
6 answers

Sources for officially published GURPS monsters

When I recently purchased the Dungeon Fantasy collection of monsters, I noticed that most of the listed monsters are not "every-game" monsters. It seems to be lacking simple goblins, harpies, etc. ...
user1637's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Purchasing old GURPS and other out of print games online [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Where can I buy original edition and out-of-print roleplaying books and accessories? Can anyone help me? I'm looking for some old GURPS games (and quite often I want to buy ...
xanatos's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

What counts as a critical on defense?

In GURPS Campaigns p381, it states that a critical success on defense causes the attacker to suffer a "critical miss." Does a critical hit on defense count as a roll of 3 or 4? If my parry is 15, ...
user1637's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Does the Critical Hit threshold keep rising as skill goes up?

In GURPS Campaigns (p381) it states that a skill of 15+ means that a roll of 5 counts as a critical, and 16+ means that a 6 counts as a critical. Does this threshold continue to rise? Ex: Does ...
user1637's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Will there ever be GURPS PDF series as compiled books?

Has Steve Jackson Games ever indicated any plans of compiling the series PDFs into larger books- (like the Dungeon Fantasy series for example)?
Jeffrywith1e's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

Does GURPS Thaumatology require GURPS Magic?

If I picked up the sourcebook GURPS Thaumatology, would I need GURPS Magic? There seem to be a lot of negative reviews of 4th-edition GURPS Magic and nothing but rave reviews of Thaumatology.
Jeffrywith1e's user avatar
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22 votes
6 answers

How can I determine alternatives to inapplicable critical-hit table results?

In a recent session of ours, one of the players scored a critical hit on a very scary wolf. The random critical-hit bonus rolled was "disarm opponent." Our GM was kind and clever enough to announce ...
user1637's user avatar
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47 votes
5 answers

What are the differences between the various editions of GURPS?

What are the significant differences between GURPS 4th edition and earlier editions? The recent spate of GURPS questions have piqued my curiosity, and the system looks like it would suit a campaign I'...
SevenSidedDie's user avatar
34 votes
9 answers

Introducing new players to GURPS

So, I have a group of players who have played a variety of other systems - D&D 3.5, D&D 4th, Shadowrun, White Wolf, etc. Some have played GURPS in the past and had some less than ideal ...
aperkins's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

Are there any GURPS blogs? [closed]

I have seen tons of blogs for other games (D&D, etc), but never a blog that deals solely, mostly, or even regularly with GURPS. Are there any (good) ones out there? Thanks!
user1637's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Does the defense bonus from shields stack with cloaks?

In Gurps (4th Edition), does the DB given from a shield stack with the DB given from a cloak? If so, isn't it possible to raise your dodge skill untouchably high? Default dodge of 8 plus 2 from a ...
user1637's user avatar
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