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Questions tagged [gurps]

GURPS is the Generic Universal Role Playing System from Steve Jackson Games.

13 votes
1 answer

What does the "+1" in some weapons' shots mean?

What does the "+1" in some weapons' shots mean? Take the .45 SMG - it has "50+1(5)" listed under its shots. I know what the "50" and "(5)" mean, but what is the deal with the "+1"?
Ponggoleechee's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Is there a guideline for deciding how many points a GM should award players?

I recently started reading on GURPS and I haven't found something that tells me how many points I should give to the players after each session. Is there something I'm missing or is there a secondary ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Does GURPS tactical combat work well with miniatures but without a hex grid?

I am looking to start a GURPS game. I also have caught the DM crafting bug. I'd like to use my gridless material, so far used for minis and Savage Worlds, with GURPS. Has anyone used GURPS tactical ...
HerbN's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How to represent a 'high intelligence' thing with no will (e.g. a very smart dishwasher)?

I'm building a world with very advanced robotics/engineering such that all machines have Lightning Calculator.1 I'm having trouble figuring out how to represent this using advantages/disadvantages. ...
Nathanael Farley's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How to build an harpoon innate attack?

I'm putting together a GURPS character as a PC option for my players. The idea is that it's a heavy lifting robot that gained sentience when an AI took it over, but is limited to its current form. It ...
Eidolon108's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to stat a character with truesight that is blind outside a certain radius?

I'm trying to learn more about GURPS for a future campaign, and I'm working on converting some old DnD characters to get a grasp of how to build PCs. My players will need my help with chargen, so I ...
Eidolon108's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

What skill to use when wielding a two handed weapon in one hand?

I have a barbarian which looks like they'll be strong enough to wield a two-handed axe in one hand. Up to this point I've been using Two-handed Axe skill as I've been wielding it with two hands. In ...
Nathanael Farley's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is a cookbook “equipment” for the Cooking skill? [closed]

Would cookbooks qualify as equipment for modifier puposes? I.e., would someone who understands cookbook terms be able to gain a modifier to their roll by using one? I.e. would a gourmet cookbook give ...
Abraham Ray's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

How exactly does GURPS Traveller setting material differ from OTU?

I'm about to start a campaign using MgT 2e and I have tons of GT material but I've read over and over again how Behind the Claw (for GT) differs from OTU. I'm not interested on moving rules from ...
Cazacurdas's user avatar
18 votes
5 answers

Am I misinterpreting this GURPS cheese?

In GURPS Magic (all editions have had the same rule, but I'm playing 4th at present), mages pay a reduced fatigue cost to cast spells at high skill -- skill 15 reduces by 1, and skill 20 by 2. As far ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Do I pay twice for enchanted items when using Ritual Path magic?

In GURPS Thaumatology: Ritual Path Magic players have the option of a form of enhanced loot. You design a magic item, GM brings it into play. You start out paying the full cost to get it into play, ...
Goju Ryu's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Interrupting Evaluate?

Let's say I spend a turn doing an Evaluate maneuver, focusing on one enemy. Can anything happen (taking damage, getting stunned or prone, etc) which would cause me to lose the bonus modifier before I ...
Beanluc's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Non-native at English RPGs [duplicate]

I'm one of those guys. I want to play with some foreign players (GURPS, WOD) via the web. Sorry for a bit opinions based question, but I need it in this way. What are the potential problems? Where ...
Les's user avatar
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18 votes
6 answers

How do I get the non-magic-user in the party to feel more valued?

Issue: I'm running a long campaign and recently one of my players mentioned feeling a bit left out, not being a caster. I kind of have to agree; all the PC's are pretty well-rounded so there isn't ...
SirTechSpec's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Does an AI connected to a space station's electrical devices have No Manipulators?

I'm running a GURPS game based on Space Station 13 and I'm trying to build a template for the AI player character from that game. The AI in SS13 resides in an immobile box with no directly connected ...
Schilcote's user avatar
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