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How would I calculate this Power for a homebrew monster?

I'm working on a homebrew GURPS 4e fantasy campaign (intended to be played online, though I don't think that matters for this question). One of my monster concepts has an ability that's easy to ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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How to price "Lifting ST" with a "Payload Only" limiter?

Designing a vehicle ally for a super, it has the payload advantage. But I want to buy "Lifting ST" limited to its payload only. How much (-NN%) would be a "Payload Only" limiter on Lifting ST? I am ...
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
4 votes
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Adjucate a Timeless modifier for a "Item Box" or "Inventory" power

I am trying to run an Isekai campaign, and I want an advantage that works like the "item box" or "inventory" that is so popular in those stories. Browsing the "powers" ...
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
8 votes
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How to build an harpoon innate attack?

I'm putting together a GURPS character as a PC option for my players. The idea is that it's a heavy lifting robot that gained sentience when an AI took it over, but is limited to its current form. It ...
Eidolon108's user avatar
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How to stat a character with truesight that is blind outside a certain radius?

I'm trying to learn more about GURPS for a future campaign, and I'm working on converting some old DnD characters to get a grasp of how to build PCs. My players will need my help with chargen, so I ...
Eidolon108's user avatar
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Pickpocketing through powers in GURPS

One of my players was thinking of creating "the best pickpocket evar" in GURPS 4e. Naturally, there will be some skills involved, but he's envisioning crazy stuff, like he's standing 5 feet away and ...
bryanjonker's user avatar
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