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3 votes
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How could I make this advantage?

I have a dimensional character in mind for a GURPS Supers game. One power I have in mind is that the character can go into an alternate dimension that is identical to the original dimension except for ...
TheDragonOfFlame's user avatar
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When applying modifiers to advantages/disadvantages, do you round up or down?

When you apply the percentage mods to an advantage or disadvantage in GURPS 4e, do you round up or down?
TheDragonOfFlame's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to deal with lack of advantages for a character starting at low point total?

I'm currently playing a character, and just made another, in a Dungeon Fantasy/DFRPG group that starts at 75 points (+50 disads, +5 quirks). It's not all that difficult to make a viable character, ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to price "Lifting ST" with a "Payload Only" limiter?

Designing a vehicle ally for a super, it has the payload advantage. But I want to buy "Lifting ST" limited to its payload only. How much (-NN%) would be a "Payload Only" limiter on Lifting ST? I am ...
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I write custom attribute value rules for the GURPS Character Sheet tool?

When using the tool GURPS Character Sheet, is there a way to change the attribute value when calculating skill levels? In my next GURPS campaign I'm planning to introduce this rule from Pyramid #3/65:...
Cazacurdas's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

How to represent a 'high intelligence' thing with no will (e.g. a very smart dishwasher)?

I'm building a world with very advanced robotics/engineering such that all machines have Lightning Calculator.1 I'm having trouble figuring out how to represent this using advantages/disadvantages. ...
Nathanael Farley's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How to stat a character with truesight that is blind outside a certain radius?

I'm trying to learn more about GURPS for a future campaign, and I'm working on converting some old DnD characters to get a grasp of how to build PCs. My players will need my help with chargen, so I ...
Eidolon108's user avatar
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6 votes
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Best way to build a sentient swarmbot in GURPS 4e?

I'm trying to put together some PCs for a GURPS space opera style game I'm planning, and while I've found character creation to be amazingly flexible and detailed, there's one character I just can't ...
JoshD's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Does an AI connected to a space station's electrical devices have No Manipulators?

I'm running a GURPS game based on Space Station 13 and I'm trying to build a template for the AI player character from that game. The AI in SS13 resides in an immobile box with no directly connected ...
Schilcote's user avatar
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4 votes
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Do I really need high ST to use Telekinesis?

If I get the Telekinesis advantage, do I use my ST to move objects with it? I want to play a psionic character who is physically weak, but this wording makes me wonder if that's just not possible: ...
Thenimbusmaster's user avatar
-2 votes
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What are the best barbarian/heavy player races from a narrative standpoint? [closed]

Short story: I don't like half-orcs. I am looking for a thematic fantasy race that lends itself to the barbarian archetype for my dungeon-crawl RPG I'd like to start. I've never really gotten the ...
HighlandRat's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

How do you encourage players to leave classes behind?

I have veteran players of class-based RPG systems joining my GURPS 4e campaign. I am having trouble consistently during character creation in getting these folks started. They are all hung up on the ...
EFH's user avatar
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Pickpocketing through powers in GURPS

One of my players was thinking of creating "the best pickpocket evar" in GURPS 4e. Naturally, there will be some skills involved, but he's envisioning crazy stuff, like he's standing 5 feet away and ...
bryanjonker's user avatar
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5 votes
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How are point totals for unknown enemies calculated?

The Enemy disadvantage means there's a person or group of people out to get you. One of the modifiers for this disadvantage is: Unknown: You know you have an ...
Oblivious Sage's user avatar
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