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Questions tagged [fighter]

For questions about a fighter class or character archetype that commonly appears in RPGs. The fighter is typically a skilled martial warrior.

27 votes
2 answers

How does an Fighter (Eldritch Knight) 20 compare to a Fighter 10/Wizard 10 for both damage dealt and durability?

With the release of the PHB we have the Eldritch Knight fighter archetype as an innate, class-driven way for the fighter to compete with the wizard in the AoE department. This prompted a discussion ...
Joshua Aslan Smith's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

How can I build a tank out of the fighter class?

I need to build a tank for a party limited to the classic four: cleric, fighter, rogue, wizard. He should have following abilities: Prevent other party members from harm in direct martial ...
ayvango's user avatar
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68 votes
5 answers

Are melee combatants limited to standing around saying "I attack"?

Recently I heard a friend saying that melee combatants had fewer options than 4e or 3.x: Ranged combat was somewhat interesting in that you could deal with cover, aiming, and so forth. Fighters ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Which Fighter (TWF Fighter vs. Great Weapon Fighter) is better optimized for Dealing Damage?

With Basic's release the Fighter is given six different Fighting Styles to choose from at level 1. Each fighting style offers a solid mechanical benefit to the fighter, but both Great Weapon Fighting ...
Joshua Aslan Smith's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Slayer Weapon Specialization with More Weapon Groups

I made a half-orc slayer to use in a DnD 4E Neverwinter campaign. I got him all set up to use a longspear. The Spear Expertise feat adds damage on a charge, half-orcs' Swift Charge feature gives them +...
DCShannon's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How Does Warforged Superiority Work?

The feat Warforged Superiority from Martial Power 2 reads like so: Prerequisite: Warforged, fighter, Combat Superiority class feature Benefit: Whenever you hit a creature with an opportunity attack ...
DCShannon's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Pathfinder Build for OCD/Mysophobic Elf

I'm going to be playing my first game of Pathfinder this weekend. Our GM is hoping for us to use mostly basic rules, as she is somewhat green as well. The character I conceptualized is a neurotic ...
Carlos Drew's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Do fighters have to meet level requirements for feats they take using fighter bonus feats?

Weapon Focus, 2 Proficiency with weapon, base attack bonus +1 +1 bonus on attack rolls with selected weapon Weapon Specialization, 2 Proficiency with weapon, Weapon Focus with weapon, ...
UrRick Von HighBlod's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Do weapons training's bonuses apply to every attack made with a double weapon?

Starting at 5th level, a fighter can select one group of weapons, as noted below. Whenever he attacks with a weapon from this group, he gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls. Let's say I wanted ...
Max's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Does glowering threat work the same way as a mark or differently?

I'm playing a high level fighter in a long term D&D campaign and a specific issue related to one of my powers has come up regularly and been a source of dispute at our table. I have the power ...
wax eagle's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How does the Fighter damage experience bonus work for low-HP enemies?

In AD&D 2nd edition, fighters gain experience bonuses from damage they've done. Experience=(Damage/8)*10. Compared to rogues or mages that gain exp from spells, it's a lot less. My question is: ...
Spradan's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Multiclassing in Pathfinder-How do Feats work?

I'm making a character who is going to be multi-classing, specifically Fighter/Cleric. He's a Reach Cleric, so I wanted him to have some good feats (Selective Channel, Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, ...
2nd Generation Cleric's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Can multiple abilities be used at once if they have a shared prerequisite?

Greater Vital Strike, Spirited Charge, and Unstoppable Strike (19th level Weapon Master). Or Greater Vital Strike, Greater Power Attack, Piledriver, and Overhand chop. Do these all work at once or ...
user9890's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How good is the Combat Patrol feat for a Fighter/Rogue?

Currently, I'm playing a character with three fighter and two rogue levels. I'm a part of two-man party in which the other player is Cleric. Shadowdancer Prestige Class always intrigued me so I went ...
Can Canbek's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Justice of Weald & Woe PrC and Fighter levels

The Prestige class Justice of Weald and Woe (from Champions of Ruin forgotten realms book) has bonus feat class feature that states you can use the level of the prc to qualify for feats that require ...
Eldebryn's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Do Blades of Death and Uncanny Blow stack with each other in any way?

Do the class features "Blades of Death" of the Master Samurai prestige class in Sword and Fist stack in any way with "Uncanny Blow" of the Exotic Weapons Master from Complete Warrior? Assume that the ...
Helpless one's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Do I lose Reaping Mauler class features when I get Enlarged?

The theory is this: Reaping Mauler (Complete Warrior (CW)) has a prerequisite feat: Clever Wrestling (CW). Clever Wrestling has a size prerequisite: Small or Medium character. I would be a human, so ...
Ongr's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Fighter/Alchemist using Explosive Missile

I have a player asking about how Explosive Missile works. They are looking at a build that combines Fighter (With Archer variant) combined with levels of Alchemist. There's been some discussion over ...
Maximillian's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Fighter (Essentials) Weapon Talent

Is the Weapon Talent / Fighter Talent feature that Knights & Slayers get the same feature as Fighter Talents Battlerage Vigor, Tempest Style, Arena Training, etc. that Weaponmasters get? If so ...
Caden Raikoujin Iyori's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

I need help with a 3e-4e merger homebrew system (specifically fighters)

I am trying to create my own RPG system, similar to 4e and 3e, and hopefully a happy merger of both. For casting classes, there are 4 tiers of spells per 10 levels, totaling 12 tiers of spells (...
Juan A Hofmann's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How Can I Play a Fighter Dual-Wielding Shields?

I'm rolling my very first D&D character. I'm trying to play a tank-type role in my group as a Dwarf Fighter. While looking through some forums I came across an image of an African warrior wielding ...
Jono's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

What are the advantages and disadvantages of dual wielding in 13th Age?

Our normal 4e encounters group is running a 13th Age playtest session, and I'm creating a Level 1 fighter character based on Adam Jensen from Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I'm skimming the rules and the ...
Joshua Aslan Smith's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Can I multi-class between a class and an archetype of that class?

Background I am playing Pathfinder with a character who is a Fighter with the Polearm Master archetype. There is an ability that the Fighter (sans archetype) earns at third level called "Armor ...
corvec's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

How to keep my mount alive/relevant as a fighter

I am relatively new to DnD, and the one or two games i've played before have ended at around level 4-5. I am about to start up a campaign, and I am rolling a Gnome Fighter that is going to focus on ...
andrew's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Do Defender Auras require activation?

I'm asking here because I've gotten different responses from different DMs. My home campaign DM said I had to activate my Knight's defender aura during my first round of an encounter before it was ...
Joshua Aslan Smith's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

In 3.5e, does one have to be a martial adept class to use maneuvers?

I'm preparing for a 3.5e game, and I wanted to be a fighter or a marshal, but I also want to be able to use the maneuvers for martial classes. It does not say that one must be a swordsage, warblade, ...
Junsus Darkwind's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Is a Fighter/Wizard/Thief viable in Pathfinder?

I'm looking for a decent build for a Fighter/Wizard/Thief in Pathfinder. The goal is to have a "jack of all trades" PC. I'd like to enhance these aspect if possible: Fighter: melee dps Wizard: ...
ludiegu's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Can a Fighter use their Mark feature with a Grenade?

If a Fighter player character attacks with a grenade-like weapons, e.g. Acidic Fire [ddi], can they still Mark the target(s)?
SteveC's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Can I use Cleave even if there's only one enemy?

The target for Cleave [ddi] says "One creature", but the effect states that another enemy adjacent to you that isn't the target takes damage. Does this mean I ...
DForck42's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

How do I Cleave as a Melee Basic Attack?

Numerous powers, and other game actions grant melee basic attacks, or trigger on MBAs. My fighter is going to primarily use Cleave (combined with ...
wax eagle's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

If you force an enemy to attack, do they trigger a Fighter's Combat Challenge?

If you force an enemy to attack through one of your powers, do they trigger an ally's Combat Challenge fighter class feature ? ... assuming they were marked by the ...
SteveC's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Would a Spiked Shield magically enhanced as a shield and a Magic Ki Focus work together?

As the title, I want to know if its technically possible to use a Magic Ki Focus with a Spiked Shield. I know that if you had a magical weapon and a Ki focus, at the time of attacking, you choose ...
zapoqx's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

How can I make a fighter/sorcerer that contributes to the party?

I want a fighter/sorcerer class that won't bog down my team-mates. Any ideas what to do? I'd like him to be able to have his spells as his main line of attack/defence, but [a certain amount of ...
pleather's user avatar
19 votes
6 answers

Is there a Crit Fighter class?

I had a friend tell me about a DnD 3.5 specialization for a fighter class, the crit fighter. Somehow, using the int score, this class would lower the die needed for a crit, and could, for instance, ...
MirroredFate's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

When does marking occur?

When a fighter attacks a creature, that creature is marked. When does the marking happen in the sequence of events? If the creature does an interrupt, is the creature marked during that interrupt ...
bryanjonker's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

How does Come and Get it work with forced movement reduction

The L7 fighter Power Come and Get It specifies that you can pull enemies in a burst 3 up to 2 squares, but mandates that they become adjacent to you. How does this interact with creatures that can ...
wax eagle's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

At what level can a fighter gain damage reduction?

Being new to D&D, I'm very intrigued with damage reduction. Creating a new level 1 fighter, I'm trying to acquire damage reduction, but have been unable to find a way to do it at first level, or ...
David Smith's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Does "resist all" from different sources stack?

So I've looked in PHB1 and 2, as well as all over the internets, and I can't find a clear answer. I play a level 12 Dreadnought Fighter, wearing Rimefire Plate armor. The armor gives a static "...
WiredJ's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Does Cleave trigger an adjacent enemy's mark?

I am playing a level 5 great weapon fighter and had a question that hasn't come up yet, but I wanted clarification in case it did. One of my at-will powers is Cleave. My question is if I am marked ...
wax eagle's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

How does the overhand chop ability work? [duplicate]

How does the fighter ability overhand chop from the Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide work? Please give examples. The reason I asked is that I have a player in my game that is using overhand chop. ...
user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

What class features or items can be given to a fighter in Dungeons and Dragons 4e to allow him to parry as his mark punishment?

In a game I am in, the DM wants to encourage the fighter, who is a very reluctant defender to more actively defend. The fighter is built on the "gentleman adventurer" lines, and the DM has expressed ...
Brian Ballsun-Stanton's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

4e Essentials and mounted combat

I'm creating a fighter for a 4e D&D Essentials game. I'd like to model him after a European medieval knight, but a knight is less than complete without a good horse. What are the rules for a ...
Shawn Campbell's user avatar

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