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Questions tagged [feat-qualifications]

For questions about the requirements that need to be met to take feats or their equivalents.

6 votes
1 answer

Are Bonus Feats from Class usable without prerequisites?

I was looking at a Dragon Magazine Wizard Alternate Class, the Fleshcrafter (DM #312). At level 1, one of the class features given is: Craft Construct: A fleshcrafter gains Craft Construct as a bonus ...
From's user avatar
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Does boosting the caster level of one spell let you grab feats with caster level requirements a few levels earlier?

Complete Arcane p.72 In the context of a feat or a prestige class requirement, a caster'level prerequisite (such as “caster level 5th”) measures the character’s ability to channel a minimum amount of ...
alexstrasa82's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Will this Ritual Caster house rule break the game?

The House Rule The prerequisite for the Ritual Caster feat changes to “Trained in Arcana, Heal, Nature, or Religion”. In order to master a ritual, a player must be trained in the relevant skill (e.g. ...
Dacromir's user avatar
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10 votes
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Can I take a skill feat that that is linked to an archetype without having this archetype?

Consider a skill feat like Tattoo Artist. Is it possible to take that at level 3 if I don't have Runelord Dedication? My guts say no, but I haven't found the rule. As an argument for yes, non-skill ...
Anne Aunyme's user avatar
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7 votes
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Does a Lyric Thaumaturge qualify for the Extra Spell Secret feat from Complete Arcane?

The Lyric Thamateurge prestige class from Complete Mage has a feature at every third level titled Spell Secret. This feature grants them additional spells known as they level. The book Complete Arcane ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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3 votes
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Which feats can replace the dodge feat for meeting prerequisites?

A lot of feats and prestige classes require the dodge feat, and I noticed that the Desert Wind Dodge feat says: Desert Wind Dodge can be used in place of Dodge to qualify fora feat, prestige class, ...
TheDragonOfFlame's user avatar
9 votes
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If the only spellcasting you have is from the Magic Initiate feat, can you take the Metamagic Adept feat?

The Metamagic Adept feat has "Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature" as a prerequisite. If the only spellcasting you have is from the Magic Initiate feat, can you take Metamagic Adept? I'm ...
Malfetes's user avatar
6 votes
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Qualifying for Spell Perfection

I am currently playing a character that has great use for Spell perfection, but does not have a lot of spare feat slots. I would like to have spell specialization on 2 different spells and perfection ...
Erudaki's user avatar
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Multiclass - spellcasting prerequisite on feat

I have a multiclass Rogue (Inquisitive) 11 / Wizard (Diviner) 2. I'd like to take a feat instead of an ASI on my Rogue level 12, but the feat has spellcasting as a prerequisite. So my question is ...
Dark Lord's user avatar
2 votes
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Does the Duergar race have racial feats available in D&D 4th edition?

Duergar has been introduced as a PC race in Monster's Manual 3 if I'm correct. I have found no sight of additional Duergar rules if any other book for D&D 4th edition. I was wondering if Duergar ...
Dyin's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Can you retrain a feat acting as a prerequisite if you get a different ability that fulfills the prerequisite?

From Retraining: You may change one feat to another through retraining. Retraining a feat takes 5 days with a character who has the feat you want. The old feat can’t be one you used as a prerequisite ...
hamburgerpls's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Can a half-elf taking Elf Atavism select a versatile heritage?

As title. Consider Halledon Felf, a half-elf. At first level, Hal takes Human ancestry, and selects Half-elf as a heritage. He then has an ancestry feat, which he uses to take Elf Atavism, allowing ...
Ben R.'s user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Feat prereqs - Monstrous Mount

The prerequisites for Monstrous Mount say that it requires "...divine bond (mount), hunter’s bond (animal companion), or mount class feature with an effective druid level of 4." The Hunter ...
InterstellarProbe's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Is there any way to access Craft Staff in E6?

Prerequisites Caster level 12th This poses an obvious problem for most characters in E6: as 6th-level characters, they’re 6 caster levels short of meeting this prerequisite. There are a few bonuses ...
KRyan's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Can a specialist fighter take fighter ACFs/bonus feats from splatbooks?

Dragon Magazine #310 lists a bunch of specialist versions of the fighter class. It sounds like it treats them as different classes that just have a lot in common with fighters, but it also says they &...
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