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8 votes
2 answers

Handling the Scenario After Wild Player Financial Success

Well, they did it. Your players went head-to-head against an antagonist with Superb Resources, and instead of taking critical social damage and retiring from adventuring, they took him for all he's ...
tom's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Avoiding losing much time on uninteresting scenes

As I understand it, the core idea of Fate is to only spend time playing scenes with an impact into the story and the characters. Still playing it I've seen much time being spend on scenes that are ...
Masclins's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How do I GM a team engineering problem in fate core?

The ship is under attack! I am GM. My PC is first mate on a space ship. The ship is being attacked by some tiny hard-to-detect UFOs. PC wants to work with the engineering team to rig up some better ...
Thomas Nelson's user avatar
20 votes
5 answers

What's is the GM's purpose in Fate Core?

While this may sound like a rant against Fate Core that's not my intention. I'm just trying to understand what I'm missing. I'm just beginning to learn about Fate Core. In the book it talks about ...
Brian Lacy's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Would having a Fate character start at a lower level in a solo game pose problems?

I am planning to run a solo Fate game inspired by videogames (Legend of Zelda in particular, since I've been playing that a lot) and their long progression from a no-name hero to a world saviour. It ...
Urist McDorf's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Is Fate style GMing "lazy"?

Newbie GM here preparing for my first ever Fate GM session. My group consists of 4-5 players with varying levels of experience in RPG games. We have previoulsy played a long Pathfinder campaing and ...
lightlazer's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

New to Fate: how to manage all aspects at play

Newbie Fate GM here, I will soon GM my first ever session. Seeing how important being aware of all aspects at play at any given scene is, how do you keep track and announce all the various aspects ...
lightlazer's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Should all play happen in scenes in Fate?

After reading the core rules and playing a first — very pleasant — session (I was the GM) I wonder how many time in a game should be spend in a formally declared scene? In our last ...
Arvodan's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

How can I help my players be proactive and dramatic together?

We've recently started a Fate Core game, and found that the system delivers on its promise of stories about "proactive, competent and dramatic" characters. Which is great! Except the characters, drawn ...
Magician's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Dealing with Character Advancement in a Game with Rotating GM's

I am part of a group, we are going to be playing Fate Core. There are going to be 4 of us playing. We want to be able to rotate the role of Game Master. We envision playing in an episodic format. ...
Inbar Rose's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

Playing Fate with competitive players

I've just finished reading the Fate Core book, and I'm really surprised how well this system presents itself. But inevitably, I've started thinking about what-ifs - and one of them is playing with ...
yacoob's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

How can I keep the nature and capacity of NPCs hidden to generate a fear of the unknown?

In traditional games such as D&D, the mechanics of the NPCs you face are generally an unknown quantity. The players and the characters only have a rough idea of what an NPC is capable of, based on ...
doppelgreener's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

What concrete rules can you point a GM to that is stuck in non-storytelling paradigms for Fate?

Inspired by a response to my answer to Can you concede by dying in Dresden Files?, I was wondering what concrete rules can you point a GM to that is stuck in non-storytelling paradigms in Fate? I ...
Chuck Dee's user avatar
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