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8 votes
3 answers

How to remind myself of important matters in the heat of running the game?

I want to improve my Game Master skills - so I analyze what went well during session, synthesize findings, formulate advice and even put reminders on my GM screen. Then when doing next session review ...
AGrzes's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How do you physically handle aspects at a table to avoid slowing down play?

When running FATE at a physical table, I've run into the following problems: PC aspects are on the players' character sheets, and therefore not visible to me (the GM) at a glance, so I don't remember ...
J E K's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

How do I deal with too many NPCs in my campaign?

I'm a first-time GM using the Fate Core system. I got into RPGs to help me work on my storytelling while having fun with my friends, so I've been GMing a homebrew campaign for about a year now. ...
mdrider's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

How to add more combat into an investigation-heavy campaign?

I have experienced such an issue with a previous run of our Fate RPG campaign. The setting is somewhat influenced by the Dresden Files, which means the campaign involved lots of investigation (...
Zhehao Chen's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

How do I GM a team engineering problem in fate core?

The ship is under attack! I am GM. My PC is first mate on a space ship. The ship is being attacked by some tiny hard-to-detect UFOs. PC wants to work with the engineering team to rig up some better ...
Thomas Nelson's user avatar
3 votes
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What is a good Fate Accelerated Benchmark Ladder [duplicate]

In a game of fate where each player has +3, +2, +2, +1, +1, +0. What is a Cheat sheet ladder to have. I.E. There is a large Iron door in the way, the brute says he's gonna force his way through it. ...
K.Nanno's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

How can I best invoke the trope of a foe who radically outclasses the heroes in Fate without compromising player agency?

One trope I and the group I often gamemaster for enjoy in shows, films, and other media is the hero(es) come up against a foe which greatly outclasses them, which they must then outwit or trick to ...
Lord_Gareth's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to give a ''secret agent'' feel to a game? [closed]

I am planning a one on one Fate game and I want it to feel and play like a secret agent story (think James Bond, Bourne, Taken, etc. maybe even a hint of heist movies as well, aka Ocean's eleven) My ...
JS Lavertu's user avatar
21 votes
3 answers

How to do mystery based storytelling in Fate?

One of the answers in What better not to use Fate Core for? was that story lines where information is withheld from the players were less suitable for Fate. However, people commented they had been ...
NielsK's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How can I make the most out of a reliable, close, helpful player in a group of players new to the system?

I have little experience GMing Fate. In fact, my only experience so far is a "twosie"/one-on-one one-shot with my best friend, Z. I've been researching an enormous amount of materials, as well as ...
Hypergardens's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How much creative and descriptive power should I offer my players? Is it different for sandbox campaigns? [closed]

I know that as a GM you have to have some skill with your words to make the descriptions really come to life. However, as I think more and more about my next sessions, which are probably going to be ...
Hypergardens's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Mechanics for player retconning

I'm thinking of running a game based on the television show "Leverage". In the show, the characters run an elaborate scam on some rich and powerful bad guy. The episode shows how things look (roughly)...
Joseph Aaron Lehmann's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

How to bring a player to not exclusively rely on his rote spells?

In our first Dresden Files game, one of our players created a warden character, who relied heavily on his evocation rote spells. In fact, due to the high power level we started at (30 skill points, 10 ...
FadedToObscurity's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

How to respond to "stress tracks / narrative consequences are arbitrary"?

Fate is admittedly an acquired taste. Interestingly, my players don't mind facing off against powerful enemies with stunts and skills that they themselves could not gain any time soon (full immunity ...
monsterfurby's user avatar
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27 votes
4 answers

How do I encourage new players to be more descriptive in their actions and intents?

I have a party of new players, who are enjoying a sporadic session of Fate Accelerated. I'm learning a significant amount from the experience, and I hope they are too. In addition to some problems I'm ...
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